Suture bleeding?

Hi guys,

I had a skin flap sewn onto my buttocks because a large hole had developed there after surgery (rectum removal). The surgery was 15 days ago, and this morning my dressing was very bloody. I was taken to the emergency room, and it turned out that one of the stitches had ripped. However, the flap itself has healed very well, and the doctors also opened a few more stitches to check that everything was okay. They then sent me home with antibiotics (high inflammation levels). When I got there, however, I realized that the dressing wasn't complete and wanted to stick the rest on myself, but it started bleeding again. A nurse is coming tomorrow to change the dressing every day. What should I do? The emergency room is 90 km away, and I have to be picked up on a stretcher (because I'm not allowed to sit). I'd also like to avoid another trip at night, since the doctors already examined the wound today.


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11 months ago

Hello Lost

I’m sure you found a solution.

In principle, you should write down various phone numbers and provide them.

  1. the number from the attending physician/emergence or the station to be able to request if necessary.
  2. The numbers of the outpatient services that come to you, because bleeding or other incidents with associations can always occur.
  3. The number of the family doctor nearby, also this is necessary occasionally.
  4. For medical assistance or information on weekends or at night there is the number 116 117, this is the standby service. It is always available free of charge if there is no life-threatening emergency ( immediately 112 ). – Medical emergency service |

Good improvement
