Nähen, kochen, Stricken o.ä. Wichtig oder nicht?
Hallo 🙋♀️
diese Frage richtet sich überwiegend an Männer aber ihr Frauen könnte gerne schreiben ob ihr nähen, Stricken, häkeln, kochen oder sticken könnt (Abstimmung).
Liebe Männer: findet ihr es wichtig/gut wenn eure Frau sowas kann? Oder ist es euch relativ egal?
Lg Aliyah
I don’t care.
I don’t expect my girlfriend’s skills so she can do something for me for what I’m not able to do…if I’ve got things that need to be sewn (or knit or what I know) then safe is not my girlfriend’s job.
Cooking well halfway would be nice. Then you can cook together and I could theoretically let them cook by yourself without having to throw away the food later hahah
I can cook/seal.
when I had to come back in, I hadn’t done it forever
Knitting has taught me many years ago, but I have no idea how that went.
I could crochet, too, but you can also learn about the time.
sticking I just made 1x, that was really good, but would not go so far and say that I can do that right
My better half can do all this if it could not,why not it. I can cook and eat 😂LG
And even clean the dishwasher 😂Also you ….
Oh her two since really sweet ♥️ her fresh in love ♥♥️
I can..Grad so😘😂
You can eat it 😘
I’ll cook well, but better I’ll let you deliver.
Cooking yes, knitting and sewing. There aren’t no reason clothes stores. If it is fun, you should do it, but it is no longer necessary in today’s world.
Cooking can never hurt, as it is usually cheaper and healthier.
In fact, my cooking skills are only modest, but it is enough that we do not have to eat the same constantly.
All of the handworks you have listed, I do quite well – as I find.
Knitting and crocheting I look like something rather superfluous, even if I could already need knitting, because I simply wanted to sweat (in the sense of size). Nowadays you can even buy something like this and really not worth it
Cooking is a must, how else to feed?
And sewing can be useful, but not necessarily necessary. I make sewing out of buttons, once sew a seam, put in new rubber, sew a new zipper (only with favorite parts) or shorten a hem or no more stuff. Change cutting is otherwise too expensive to me today (I have done before!) and new sewing was not worthwhile in my lifetime earlier (the fabrics were more expensive than the garment)
If only that is important to me because I can cook a little, but I’m not a world professional and very clumsy.
I don’t care about the rest.
I’ll say that. There are alternatives for everything.
Cooking = Ready to eat
Sewing etc = find who
Depending on what you need every day you learn it or not. Are the shirts getting broken? Then you learn to sew. Do you want to feed yourself from remnants, for example, because it is cheap? Then you learn to cook.
If it weren’t almost all so inconvenient!!!!
Yes, in case of doubt, the Mammi, just what if they don’t live anymore?
You get used to getting ready.
Facebook groups. If you pay the shipping, people like to make it.
I just don’t get used to prefabricated food, could do anything. without success. I give it here at this point – that I don’t even like to cook, just do it so that what I eat is also edible.
Otherwise, make me cook SPASS only if I get recognition afterwards. (Yes I can)- especially if I can conjure something from the few ingredients with an almost empty refrigerator.
but in NORMAL life I only cook for that reason, I just don’t get rid of the ready-made frit – just disgusting.
facebook I know – honest – little. I could not pay a reasonable price
I like to cook and, according to my circle of friends, also quite well, so she doesn’t have to.
If she can knit and crochet, of course, this is nice, but absolutely no need.
I am only 16 but I can knit everything from it to a lot more, for example weaving ropes and everything you need to hunt yourself, etc.
Question of interest: What are you doing here?
I can make from many ropes I have made very thin strips of cloth, then put them together under tension and let them dry and then you need a sturdy rope but you need some exercise so that the fibers don’t break or even pick up the shields from the trousers until I had all the fibers individually and then turned a rope out of them. I’m getting bored.
What I have just got to hand, as I mentioned earlier I make this more of boredom you can make ropes from many things I have already made out of cloth, the shields then I have also made a bow tendon from the fibers of any plant I have made the bow with a stone.
but still, WAS will you take for ropes?
In the beginning I was just as well, but with time the ropes become better and more stable.
O,K I can honestly imagine that I could hardly imagine producing ropes that are durable from LAUCH, from old pants, but could not really be DAS.
I know that without having learnt anything, the principle of rope production has already been quite clear, it has also done when, because I simply needed a rope, but that just kept short, in the end was NOT practical
Anyone who was or is on a Waldorf school will learn knitting, sewing, cocking over the course of school. It’s a little good who you can cook your own food and there are also men who can cook well.
Of course there are men who can “boil” well. I think the profession “Koch/Köchin” has 90% male performers.
What is the one with the people who make all the cutting work in the kitchen they cook the not they carry one of the most important points in the kitchen. At my kitchen all cook and all are cooks and cooks!
Right, not for free are most star chefs men.
What is the small restaurants where there is no star chef they don’t count anything. This is a bit sad as I work professionally in the kitchen and make it roar!
Dan did not write it well understandable and explained that I understood it
You totally misunderstood me.
Sorry, I didn’t mean that, I just wanted to say that many men can cook better than women. Of course, even the small restaurants, which make the gastronomy so versatile and varied, just think of the many rustic agritourisms.
In fact, I find it important to
can, but whether woman or man doesn’t care, you should just help. I can’t crochet now, I’m also lacking interest, but so “emergence” and cooking I do well 😅
If it’s fun then it’s good if it wasn’t unnecessary.
Cooking is very important and indeed – cook well. Knowledge of nutrition is also important .
This handwork ” Skills ” I think it’s secondary… which woman can do that well? A man who learn to knit and crochet WILL does this anyway and then runs it as a hobby, just like domestic or carving, screwing, car. But really important it is not.
One of the family should be able to cook. Knitting is my hobby
I can do everything and more.
Cooking yes – the rest is unimportant (for me).