Nackt baden bei Segeltörn mit fremder Crew?
Nehmen wir an, Ihr seid überzeugter FKK’ler und geht von eurem eigenen Boot aus immer nackt ins Wasser! Würdet Ihr dann auch bei einem Segeltörn im Süden, wo Ihr aus Gründen der Kostenersparnis mit einer fremden Crew unterwegs seid, einfach die Klamotten ausziehen und nackt ins Wasser springen, wenn Ihr irgendwo vor Anker liegt⚓? Oder würdet Ihr die anderen vorher fragen?
I’ve done it several times.
And there’s no one to blame it?
No. However, I have previously considered the respective crew in relation to this aspect of freedom of movement and tolerance – and I mean that I can do that. It was almost always pure men’s crews. Only twice were women and girls who practiced the nude bathing themselves before me. And those who like and often repeat it together with me. But also the boys/men often came along with or followed my example. On all Törns.
Very, very little.
So, for example, I imagined it too!😉 – Is there something more beautiful than to swim in the crystal clear waters of the Greek Aegean?
Something like that should be discussed. There are now people who are uncomfortable with naked skin (own or strange). Reasons can be religious, or also due to lack of self-confidence. No matter why, these people have to be given the chance to announce this uneasiness beforehand. It does not speak much against the nudist on the boat if all agree. To force the rest of the crew unquestioned is selfish (and even criminal depending on the country).
Since I am also active as a skipper, I can also answer this from this point of view. If you’re acting like a Kojencharterer, I’d banish you from the ship as a skipper, depending on the crew voice in the next port.
I’d either ask before or just wear a swimsuit.
I myself am a naturist but on sailing trips with strangers I have always dressed a swimwear so that it does not lead to bad mood via f DG.
For the sake of peace, I would ask first. You can’t get out of the way and then you’ll have a bad mood for longer. My interest in such a fool would not be very big. You have to settle this before, but you have no experience as to whether the organization is possible.
I would definitely prefer naked baths, but in any case before, ask if it wasn’t a problem if I went naked into the water.