Nachweis jonit?
Guten Tag, ich habe zuletzt am 25.6 einmal an einem Jonit gezogen (leicht) (davor noch nie) und habe nun am 17.7 einen Drogenscreening (ich gehe von urin, Blut oder Haar-Test aus) zu absolvieren. Habe ich was zu befürchten?
Vielen Dank für die Antworten 😉
No, no more evidence. One-time or very rare cannabis inhalation is associated with a maximum detection period of 4 days in blood and urine.
Hair analyses are usually not carried out – unless they are too expensive for MPU teeth.
Thx for * (2.182)
depending on the cut-off value of the test strips (300 nanograms to 50 nanograms) your test result is good 4 weeks positive. For more detailed investigations in the court proceedings (HPLC or mass spectrometry), also much longer.
In the hair root examination safe for months. In pure hair examination as long as the hair has grown (1-2 cm per month). (The difference has once become a hindrance to a Lord Daum, but with cocaine).
I don’t understand how to say there’s nothing to fear if you don’t even know what investigation is being done.
THC is stored in your fat tissue and released slowly. With regular consumption and accelerating clean time, it can be released many months later if you take weight and your fat reserves are reduced.
You mean cut-off and not captive.
You mean nanogram and not micrograms.
You mean common cut-off values of 20 – 50 ng/ml.
ok are right, but 300 and 50 test strips are still common, there are also more sensitive.
The test strips have a value from which they show positive. In series you can already assign semiquantitative
No cut-off values can be measured with test strips. Test strips are used only for detection ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. The measurement of active and/or inactive values can only take place via blood analysis.
No, nothing to fear