Nachts losfahren oder morgens?
Meine Freundin fährt während ich im Urlaub bin zu einer Freundin, die 7 Stunden entfernt wohnt. Ich riet ihr dazu bereits in der Nacht loszufahren weil dann weniger Verkehr ist, allerdings ist sie sich unschlüssig ob das eine gute Entscheidung ist. Sorgen bereitet mir zudem, dass sie mit ihrem Auto (VW Up!) fährt und sich nicht den 4er BMW von ihren Eltern nimmt.
I’d drive such a route under tags.
in the night it is much more strenuous to drive, often you drive slower because of the darkness. It is also easier to find where you can take a break without danger (as a woman I would like to make a break in a farmed car park in the dark)
Why? Is it self-evident that you drive on holiday with your own car and not with your parents
let her just drive as she wants, she’ll be able to decide on her own…and the up will probably make the track just as much as the BMW…why should she take the car away from her parents when she has her own and wants to go somewhere alone…
You’re an anxious. Thousands of people travel with their children on the back bank 12 hours on holiday.
And driving at night can end well or evil. At night, there are also many razors on the way, as the roads are free. It doesn’t matter. In the bright, you can definitely see better.
I find bad.because the night driving too much the eyes stressed