Nachts alleine Zug fahren als 16 Jährige?
Ich möchte bald eine Freundin von mir besuchen, die 4 Stunden von mir entfernt wohnt. Ich würde gern über Nacht mit dem Zug zu ihr fahren. Geht das, wenn man ein gültiges Ticket hat? Braucht man eine schriftliche Einverständniserklärung der Eltern?
Yeah, I can. You don’t need a declaration of consent, but it could be helpful with over-predicted employees.
Yes, it is. You don’t need permission. You just have to look at how this looks like the Youth Protection Act in the respective federal states.
I’m just wondering where trains are going in the night? We have no more night trains to travel long distances. So no four hours…
In D, there is only a law on youth protection.
Then it’s even easier. There are differences in Austria.
No way
Why not?
No, according to paragraph 35(1) of the Children’s Protection Act, this does not apply 🙂
There are no restrictions for a 16-year-old, he can stay outside at night and also drive by train, so easy.
Just preventive measures!
What is not there to understand? It is not forbidden and the question is, yes, I really don’t know what you don’t understand and discuss here?
No matter you don’t understand
Going at noon is always critical
In no case you’re driving by train at night. You’ll leave it nice. You can also travel a day.