Nachsymptome nach Jahre langem Kiffen?

Ich kiffe seit 3 Jahren nicht mehr und seit ich nicht mehr kiffe spielt mein Verstand und meine Gedanken ganz verrückt. Nichts mehr ist sortiert und geordnet und ein rieses innerliches chaos und eine Unruhe. Vor kurzem war ich bei Freunden, da wurde ich passiv High (was ich eigentlich nicht wollte) und alles war wieder in Ordnung mit meinem Verstand. Geordnet und Klar. Kein Chaos mehr. Ich frage mich jetzt ob das Folgen und Symptome sind, die ich habe, sobald ich für eine längere Zeit kein THC konsumiere. Als müsste ich immer wieder kiffen, damit ich Frieden und innere Klarheit verspüren kann. Und wenn ich es nicht mehr mache, spielt mein Verstand verrückt. Kennt das jemand?

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1 year ago

In Your Other Question about the subject you want to know whether: can be high by passive inhalation.
In Your Current Ask you, that You got high.

Both testify to a substantial lack of knowledge about the mode of action of cannabis.
Cannabis is psychoactive only a few hours. It is then completely without any influence on body and mind, except for some detectable (but no longer acting) degradation products.
The fact that you used to smoke cannabis and then don’t smoke for three years, can’t be the cause of your current thoughts playing “very crazy”.

Take a few minutes of Google research time to the term “pubert” or Post-puberty. Then you come to the answer to your question, why everything seems to be so blurred in your head, but you are still able to describe one – two questions in this respect, perhaps a little closer.

1 year ago
Reply to  sigmoti21

“Your friend” has been dealing with cannabis for more than twice as long as you are in the world, Bubi, and again and again he – “Your friend” – has to state that there are many people who have never learned to deal with cannabis properly – in the sense of drug mouth.

1 year ago

Consumption, without problems.
Most of all cannabis users dominate it.

1 year ago

Great, if you can stop it because – as shown – you can’t handle it properly, there’s more left for the others.

1 year ago

What you are hidden the generality is called “explained”.

It is only natural that after such a long cannabis prohibition period, Otto Normalo and Sigmotis will only be able to rectify what the many anti-drug campaigns have so far recruited.
Looking beyond the edge of the plate is not everyone’s thing.

1 year ago

Possibly what is wrong with your mind, possibly even from the ciff, although I doubt it more. How long did you steal, how much? What is not possible that you have become passively high. You might have imagined that. But I doubt that too.

1 year ago
Reply to  sigmoti21

If you had drunk four beers every week You don’t get drunk Your buddy drinks a beer.

One could certainly calculate what would be necessary, how many molecules would have to fly with what pressure around you so that a significant effect would be noticeable in your brain.

But it is not necessary to know that there is nothing like passive riffing.

You think so much about this rather moderate consumption…

Do you have something else on your heart?

1 year ago

That’s funny. After all, I wanted to add the following to my last comment, but then I decided to copy it for later use:

“An example: An ex of me hated the ciff, she didn’t like being stoned at all. But she had absolutely no problem doing with us afterhour. So hours- sometimes days with 6,7,8 people who have blown 10 or 15g Ghanja into the air.”

1 year ago

That says a lot….at least that you have some naive ideas, both from ciffing and breathing, and are a little bit of a believer.

With so-called furting in unventilated rooms, you breathe methane. The air is methane and you breathe it in.

This, fortunately, does not mean that you are going to a methane poison.

Nor does it mean that you will become high when you breathe THC-containing air.

1 year ago

And from inhaling the air that breathes a box next to you, you won’t get high. So this is so easy.

1 year ago

That’s pretty stupid, too. You also breathe beer molecules when someone drinks beer next to you. Kiffer make “Hotbox” in the car maybe because they somehow find it cool or say it would have significant effects, but is just bullshit. In blood and urine, a corresponding measurement accuracy can be assumed provided a single molecule of whatever can be detected.

If you were to follow your “logic”, you could make a football eel wide with a single egg kick if everyone would blow the smoke in their mouth.

You can’t get passively high. Not under everyday circumstances. If that were different, for example, Schorreraucher would sit in a “hotbox” and never get out again.