Nächstes 9-Euro Ticket nur für Zeitkarteninhaber?

Was haltet ihr davon?

Nächstes 9 Euro-Ticket nur für diejenigen, die entweder schon eine ÖPNV-Zeitkarte haben oder sich eine Jahreskarte kaufen …

also nur für diejenigen, die tatsächlich dauerhaft den ÖPNV nutzen – nicht für die 9-Euro-Sonntagsausflügler

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2 years ago

Better alternative would be more sustainable

2 years ago

The ticket should attract new customers, not those who already are. Unfortunately, the whole thing is a dead birth, so you don’t bring anyone into the ÖPNV.

2 years ago

Only for time card holders makes little sense and is not consistent with the goal of the 9€ ticket: time card holders do not need any incentive to switch to public transport – they already use it. As a result, only a reduction in transport fees would be effective. In order to avoid slipping into the loss zone with low transport charges, the transport companies need more passengers – i.e. those without time tickets.

2 years ago

The 9 € ticket is intended to relieve citizens of financial burdens, All Citizens.

2 years ago

How does a 9€ ticket represent a relief for the one who acquires it but does not use public transport anyway?

2 years ago

That’s not true. There are plenty of people who draw a daily ticket several times a month, but don’t have a monthly ticket because a monthly card is quite expensive.

Example Hamburg :

Day card (great room), current price : 8,20 € (full time)

Monthly map (large area): € 114.30 (full time)

So you’d have to take a daily ticket 14 times a month, so you’d be worth a monthly ticket.

For example, “only” take a daily ticket 10 times a month, then you have expenses of €82

And now compare 9 € expenses with 82 € expenses, do you notice what?

2 years ago

Yes and? “normal” or not, public transport is nevertheless.

2 years ago

“Why do you want to relieve someone who doesn’t use the ÖPNV anyway, hasn’t used it and will not use it after the 9 Euro ticket” – “without using it” refers to the present, so this now, including the now with 9€ ticket.

2 years ago

Unless the workplace is in the same district, you don’t need a ticket.

But then you still need the ticket if you sometimes have to get into another district.

2 years ago

Then I’m not going to the city anymore and just order online. A trip to the city already costs 12 euros…