Nächstes 9-Euro Ticket nur für Zeitkarteninhaber?
Was haltet ihr davon?
Nächstes 9 Euro-Ticket nur für diejenigen, die entweder schon eine ÖPNV-Zeitkarte haben oder sich eine Jahreskarte kaufen …
also nur für diejenigen, die tatsächlich dauerhaft den ÖPNV nutzen – nicht für die 9-Euro-Sonntagsausflügler
Better alternative would be more sustainable
and, above all, one would reward those who have taken the whole ÖPNV seriously all the time.
but politics prefer to go to the watering can …
The ticket should attract new customers, not those who already are. Unfortunately, the whole thing is a dead birth, so you don’t bring anyone into the ÖPNV.
Only for time card holders makes little sense and is not consistent with the goal of the 9€ ticket: time card holders do not need any incentive to switch to public transport – they already use it. As a result, only a reduction in transport fees would be effective. In order to avoid slipping into the loss zone with low transport charges, the transport companies need more passengers – i.e. those without time tickets.
The 9 € ticket is intended to relieve citizens of financial burdens, All Citizens.
Why do you want to relieve someone who doesn’t use the ÖPNV anyway, hasn’t used it and will not use it after the 9 Euro ticket…?
How does a 9€ ticket represent a relief for the one who acquires it but does not use public transport anyway?
That’s not true. There are plenty of people who draw a daily ticket several times a month, but don’t have a monthly ticket because a monthly card is quite expensive.
Example Hamburg :
Day card (great room), current price : 8,20 € (full time)
Monthly map (large area): € 114.30 (full time)
So you’d have to take a daily ticket 14 times a month, so you’d be worth a monthly ticket.
For example, “only” take a daily ticket 10 times a month, then you have expenses of €82
And now compare 9 € expenses with 82 € expenses, do you notice what?
Yes and? “normal” or not, public transport is nevertheless.
these are the 9-Euro-Sylt-Ausflüglers – have you ever seen?
that is not a “normal” OPNV use ….
“Why do you want to relieve someone who doesn’t use the ÖPNV anyway, hasn’t used it and will not use it after the 9 Euro ticket” – “without using it” refers to the present, so this now, including the now with 9€ ticket.
Do you understand your own question?
I never wrote that…
Unless the workplace is in the same district, you don’t need a ticket.
But then you still need the ticket if you sometimes have to get into another district.
if you go to work full time, 5 days week is worth the monthly card …
you can also open milk calves…
Then I’m not going to the city anymore and just order online. A trip to the city already costs 12 euros…