Nachsendeauftrag post erste wohnung?

Wie genau ist das damit? Ich ziehe in kürze in meine erste eigene Wohnung. Wird die post dann nur für 6/12 monate dahin gesandt und ich muss es immer wieder neu kaufen? Oder ist die neue adresse überall bekannt (ausser bei AG, versicherungen usw, das muss ich selbst angeben) ?

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1 year ago

Do you live with your parents? That it shouldn’t be a problem if you don’t give a posting order. You should always tell the bank and the employer the new address.

Otherwise, you can just wait to see what’s going on with your parents and then see who you should share the new address.

Don’t forget pension insurance.

1 year ago

It’s waste of money.

It’s just letters and not even all of them. Many e.g. mamche from your bank, will not be returned.

I had it and some surprises were included.

Better make a list where you need to change the address anywhere and just call. Saves much money and then comes 100%

1 year ago


for a post-send order you pay once, and this is valid for 6 or 12 months. Letters to your old address will be sent to your new address with a new sticker.

During this time, you should take the opportunity to inform the senders about your new address.

ATTENTION: There are also companies that offer this. They take more money.

Love greeting

1 year ago

Simply notify all those who need the address bank, insurance…