Nachschreibeklausuren, dürfen die das?

Moin moin, ich hätte heute eigentlich eine Mathe Klausur geschrieben, bin aber krank. Deswegen bin ich jz zuhause und frage mich: wenn ich morgen wieder zur Schule gehe…könnte das sein dass meine Lehrerin dann sagt: „ja heute in der dritten Stunde schreibst du nach“ ?

Also direkt am Tag wo ich wieder da bin? Ich bin in der 11. Klasse

Oder was genauso doof wäre, wenn sie sagt, dass ich in zwei Tagen nachschreibe…das ist alles irgendwie doof. Muss sie mir nicht theoretisch auch eine so lange Vorbereitungszeit geben wie den anderen?

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1 year ago

Of course, she should do both. You would have had a longer preparation time than the others, so I don’t understand your problem.

1 year ago

When, how, where and what you describe, is in the discretion of your teacher.

Since this year the Easter and Summer holidays start early, you can be quite sure that a post-write date comes because the teacher wants to evaluate you and make notes.

Ideally, you don’t have to prepare for a exam because the exam has been worked through in class. Due to your failures, you have to rework (independently) and you are obliged to do so.

You can ask your teacher to give you time to rework, but you have no right to do so.

Despite everything, do not stress and stay healthy!

1 year ago

No, you can write directly the day after recovery. Because the actual date would be the day you were sick. Should have learned before.

1 year ago

Doesn’t she theoretically have to give me such a long preparation time as the others?

Didn’t you have them?

You could have used the time to date. Sometimes you get sick because you haven’t used time.