Nachbarn reservieren Parkplätze – was kann ich tun?
Hallo zusammen,
erstmal etwas Kontext: mein Mann und ich wohnen in einer sehr zentralen Gegend an der Hauptstraße komplett umgeben von Wohngebäuden und Halteverboten. Dass es hier an Parkplätzen mangelt, ist völlig untertrieben. Umso ärgerlicher ist es, dass manche Nachbarn sich völlig daneben benehmen, indem sie mit ihren Autos die Parkplätze über Wochen hinweg reservieren. Sie wurden bereits von mehreren Leuten angesprochen, jedoch zeigen sie keine Einsicht. Das Ordnungsamt kann oder will dagegen auch nichts unternehmen, da die Parkplätze mit Fahrzeugen und nicht mit Gegenständen reserviert werden. D.h sie fahren mit dem einen Fahrzeug raus und parken sofort mit einem anderen. Hierdurch haben sie von 11 Parkplätzen in der Straße nun 7(!!!) für sich reserviert. 2 davon sind vor einigen Wochen dazugekommen, indem die Besitzer sich auf einem Parkplatz, bei dem 2 Autos parken könnten, mit einem Auto mittig hinstellen und dann entweder mit dem anderen Auto tauschen oder nachher das zweite hinten dran parken. Ich habe sie vor einigen Tagen darauf angesprochen, jedoch keine Spur von Einsicht. (Zitat: „Ruft doch die Polizei, die werden eh nichts unternehmen. Wir machen das weiter so. Die anderen reservieren doch auch welche, dann machen wir das auch.“ Ich koche vor Wut! Es ist so egoistisch. Keine Chance, dass zu den Besitzern (junges Paar) die Tatsache durchgedrungen ist, dass in der Umgebung alte, kranke, behinderte und auch schwangere Leute leben.
Jetzt habe ich mich etwas ausgekotzt, nun zur eigentlichen Frage:
Kann ich denn wirklich nichts tun?
Laut Paragraf 12 Absatz 6 StVO heißt es, dass platzsparend zu parken und in der Regel auch zu halten ist. Es sind auf den Parkplätzen zwar keine Markierungen gesetzt, aber es ist ganz klar Platz für 2 Autos. 10€ Bußgeld seien möglich, aber 10€ halten doch niemanden ab? Oder soll ich wirklich jedes Mal anrufen, wenn die da stehen, bis sie aufhören, da sich die Strafzettel häufen? Oder evtl. Zettel in die Briefkästen der Nachbarschaft schmeißen, die dazu auffordern sich beim Ordnungsamt zu beschweren, vielleicht passiert ja dann was? Es stört sicherlich viele Nachbarn.
Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus für jegliche Hilfe 🙂
The authorities can make nix.
The only point that could be attacked is the space-saving parking with 1 car at 2 vehicle lengths.
But this does not justify towing, but only a mini penalty with bad administrative burden.
In the long term, I don’t see a solution, except next time plan better and build a garage instead of just a house. Maybe the house can just sell there and build something new.
Thanks for the answer 🙂 It is difficult to build, because it is exclusively multi-family houses in the area 🙂 We live in an apartment, not in a house, therefore neither garages.
Who are the parking spaces? The city or the landlord? Depending on what I’d call her there.
There is nothing else left for public parking than to contact the office again and again.
Thanks for the answer 🙂 It’s public parking.
Join the other descendants (preferably by petition) and appeal to the landlord. What do you want the Order Office to do, except to issue a ticket of over 10 of yours every time?
Public parking is not a landlord.
Not quite, the merged person is obliged to provide a certain number of parking spaces per accommodation unit, i.e. 1.5 or 2 depending on the one.
So ask where the parking spaces are for the apartment can’t hurt.
exploit further remedies and distribute points and driving bans if the behaviour does not change!
What behavior? Do you need to use public parking and be faster than others? 👍
So you can definitely book one for yourself. There comes a sign and if someone else parks there you can even pick up the money for it, up to 30Eur.
(5) The necessary parking spaces or garages are to be produced
1. on the building plot,
2. on another plot at reasonable distance or
3.with the consent of the municipality on a plot in the municipality.
So if number is valid, you can book one.
not space-saving to park and 2 parking spaces to occupy a second car from the calculus.
With videos you can even prove that the one car then makes extra space for the other, which is then even an intention and inappropriate use.
If there are public parking spaces and the vehicles are registered/insured/TÜV, they may be unlimited in time.
You can’t fight.
Trouble, but your hands are bound.
if you complain more and more at the office of order, it is only a matter of time until here a great idea is found, for example, only time-limited parking between 9am and 5pm, parking only with local white etc., so all things that make the situation worse.
About Anna
in principle, you can’t do anything about parking cars, after all, they’re just there…
But you could go with the neighbors,
Well, if the 10€ will be due daily… But if there is a gradation, then there can even be a point in Flensburg or the entry of the driving licence at the end, because then a characteristic weakness can be found, which speaks against the suitability for participation in road traffic, if there is no change in behaviour despite repeated warning.
Thank you.
This is very helpful, thank you very much!
it should be, yes.
If you also make videos in which you show that the car makes a different place, then the “reserve” is also occupied and therefore an attachment that the non-space-saving parking only has the reason to keep the place free for the other car. If this happens again and again, you can also get to the office again and then this should have much more rapid consequences. A note to the office with the file number from the previous link should also be a wink with the fence pile that the officials see that courts had judged accordingly and that there is a need for action
Basic documentation, e.g. several times a day the car that makes itself so wide should be photographed, and in addition both at the same location, you may need. The best way to write the time and date into the picture with a camera, otherwise a phone will also store the data on the picture with
Do you think this also applies to parking space-saving? I hope very much
That’s all you can do in public transport.
Thanks for the answer!
it could always go out with these cars for inexperienced reasons…
I also told the owners that although I can only act verbally, others will certainly not be afraid of pulling the key. There was only a calm “will we see, let them only do.” Very bad. I’d give it to them
I would be very cautious, in the end the neighbors then still have (forbidden wise) any surveillance cameras or dashcams
If it’s public parking, it’s so 🤷
I own have a fixed garage space 😎 Wouldn’t it be an option: What Fixes?
Believe me, every day 10€ penalty doesn’t want to pay anyone.
Let’s see who gives up first.
Besides, what I’m asking, do you have no access, or garage to your house? That would be the first criterion for me to buy the house. Like the Simpsons.
Thanks for the answer 🙂 It is a very central area exclusively with residential buildings, so no, no garages, only entrances. These are, however, for the shops below, not for parking for residents 🙂
If you live so centrally, what do you need a car? After all, you live in an apartment, not in a house.
ah, and they fall from the sky or can you let them out of the chewing gum machines for 1€ or how?? And the driver’s license is free of charge or how?
sometimes I wonder real…
Then take a motorcycle or a big-power scooter. They need much less space and can so annoy the car park thieves if you can use it between their cars.
So what?
This can only come from an ignorant city man who never leaves his 200m well-being zone and doesn’t understand that you need a car if you don’t live in a metropolis, because you hardly come anywhere else! Have you ever tried to carry the weekly purchase from the supermarket 8km away on foot?????
For work? To visit the family outside the city? To be more flexible? It doesn’t matter why I have a car.
Wrap the car in rain with toilet paper.
wait until a parking space is empty, then quickly put his car there.
or continue to search
Thank you for the answer!
The problem is that they have two cars, i.e. one parks always there. Unfortunately, we cannot react immediately if the parking lot should be free and even if, then reserve it at the next opportunity. It’s really awkward. Due to the many residential houses and limited parking possibilities, it is no rarity to circle around up to 1 1/2 hours in the area until what becomes free and then continue to park. :/
Or even rent a fixed car park would also be an idea. 🤷
Talk to several neighbors for the first time. The more you are, the more the Order Office or the police take the matter seriously.
And if nothing happens then, in my eyes only one more collage helps, which can be quite expensive…
Collective action?
What are you complaining about?
Oh, man… what a legal understanding.
Okay, sorry I didn’t study this shit and I didn’t have this problem until then.
How did you solve the problem?