Nachbarn kiffen auf ihren Balkon?

Hi Leute, meine Freundin wohnt im 5. Stock eines Mehrfamilienhauses (Wohnblock) und heute standen wir zusammen auf dem Balkon und ich bzw. wir haben starken Cannabis Geruch Rauch/Geruch von einer der schräg unten liegenden Wohnung vernommen. Dort waren die Bewohner wohl gerade am kiffen. Meine Freundin meinte, daß derart Geruch öfters mal zu ihr hochzieht und diese Leute wohl regelmäßige Kiffer sind. Da wir beide und auch in unserem Freundeskreis Drogen und hierbei Konsumenten wie natürlich auch Dealer derartiger Substanzen quasi hassen, kann man da was machen? Also sollte man derart Situation dem Vermieter (Wohnungsbaugesellschaft) oder gleich der Polizei (Drogenfahndung) melden und zur Anzeige bringen? Damit man diesen Drogenkonsumenten rigoros das Handwerk legen kann.

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1 year ago

I don’t think you can do much than go to the landlord who can’t do much.

I wouldn’t go to the police either, as something like that can end badly, you know in the end you never really have to do with who you have to do it.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

If you can do, you don’t have to. It may even be medically conditioned and prescribed by the doctor.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  DieAletheia

The appearance is not a reliable indicator for such something.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

You can’t know.

1 year ago

Once again, these people might be cannabis patients and need cannabis for health reasons?

Why do you have to go to the police with such a coward, can’t you even sound kind and say what bothers you? They may not be aware of the harassment.

Do you have inner satisfaction when other people get problems?

Why should these people limit their lives so that your life (probably) is better? You’re obviously not ready to compromise… Giving and taking, living and living – you seem very boring to me. Less alcohol and instead a joint could help you;)

1 year ago

You can call the police a few more weeks if they do it again.

Then no longer because it becomes legal.


1 year ago

That’s allowed now. Everyone can be so tricky, it’s medical.

There’s no more police.

1 year ago
Reply to  DieAletheia

Then give gas.

So that these drug users can be rigorously crafted.

That’s gonna be heavy weeks for you.

You want to lay down the craftsmanship to all. Respect.

The action “Our balcony should remain clean” is a bad drug prevention.

1 year ago

Thanks for the laugh.

Fun aside: Keep your window and/or get used to it. Consumption is not illegal and the property is legalized this year.

Bad time for extremists when progressive parties rule 😉

If you’re so upset about it, talk to your neighbours to find a common solution, they don’t know they’re disturbing you.

1 year ago
Reply to  DieAletheia

No, talk to the people. If you don’t like a charitable behavior, you don’t show your neighbors right away, but you’re trying to settle it personally with them…

1 year ago
Reply to  DieAletheia

It smelled like Troll, now it’s all clear. Why don’t you go to bed instead of stealing time with such a bullshit?

1 year ago

Yeah, yeah. Look who else, I’m not falling in.

1 year ago

Funeral than picnic everything.

1 year ago

I think the “question” is funny with her words in your text if it were meant to be serious. But since you’re just trying to troll here, it’s just annoying and quite inconvenient.

1 year ago

Let them just crawl…

If the koksen or crack smoked, that would be one thing, but because of a little cannabis, the police are alerting that because that is as good as legal and consumption is allowed anyway… I don’t know.

1 year ago
Reply to  DieAletheia
