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2 months ago

It’s still within the frame. As long as he doesn’t do it during night rest or on Sundays and holidays, you can’t do anything except to make music and try to ignore it.

2 months ago

He’ll barely drill around the clock. There are no rest periods from 8-18.

2 months ago

You contradict yourself. If he drills from 8 to 18, he does not drill around the clock.

Rest periods are usually 22-6 a.m., all day on Sundays and holidays.

If he drills in the rest periods, ring immediately at his apartment door. When he rises: ask him courteously to stop it because it is not permissible. If he doesn’t get up, ring a few more times of storm. Repeat all about 15… 30 minutes until he stops.

Make sure you get the right neighbor. In the dark it helps to look from outside in which apartments light burns and in which not. The drilling machine can already be heard at the right apartment door before it is placed for impact drilling.

Because this has been the case for a month, it may damage the building substance in an inadmissible manner. inform the landlord. The landlord has no interest in justice at all and in your rest, he wants to cash and be left alone, but if his capital, the building, is destroyed, it is likely to interest him.

2 months ago

Kindly ring with the neighbour and ask him how long the work will last and whether he can take even more consideration. Sunday not drilling

2 months ago

This is tolerating. It’s not in the night rest.

2 months ago

Can you locate the neighbor or is it inaccessible far away?