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Hallo zusammen
Ich bin am 1. Juni 2024 in meine neue eigene Wohnung gezogen. Nebenan wohnt ein älteres Ehepaar. Schon als ich unzog, fiel mir die Kontrollsucht meines Nachbarn auf. Leider auch sein ständiges Reklamieren wegen Kleinigkeiten (am Umzugstag stőrten ihn meine Mőbel im Flur…). Wir hatten während des Umzugs ein paar kurze Gespräche im Flur. Nicht mehr.
Seit ich weiss, dass er im Haus alles kontrolliert und alle paar Stunden seine Runden dreht, um “nach dem Rechten” zu sehen, habe ich mich komplett von ihm zurűckgezogen und hole meine Post erst ganz spät am Abend um Begegnungen zu vermeiden.
Leider habe ich auch keine Ruhe auf meinem Balkon, da sein Schlafzimmerfenster direkt daneben ist. Mehrfach beschwerte er sich darűber, dass ich noch Umzugskartons auf dem Balkon habe.
Gestern kam ich von einem Arztbesuch nach Hause und begegnete ihm im Lift. Zuerst fragte er mich, wie es mir gehe. Dann wurde ich recht laut angemotzt, warum er mich im Haus nie sehe und sich mit mir nicht mehr unterhalten kőnne. Am Schluss schrien wir uns an, dann ging er beleidigt weg.
Ich bin schwer krank und Einzelgängerin. Meine Erkrankung raubt mir viel Kraft, und ich bin praktisch nur zu Hause. Dieser fast 80 jährige Mann geht mir so auf den Keks. Was soll ich tun? Ich fűhle mich massiv unter Druck und beobachtet.
Build yourself there a good fat visual protection so that you can no longer observe.
And you can enjoy the fresh airfall.
consistently ignore him.
In this case, I would just hide the man (which is probably also ill) ,easily.
I don’t suppose you’re already moving.
In emergencies,if he is not to brake, you complain to the administration about:
Ein your private affairs and harassment.
Lg ⚘
That’s what I see. Thank you. As far as visual protection is concerned, this is not allowed according to the regulations of the house, but now I think it is easy to do. The house administration thinks the problem with the neighbor is not her problem. That’s different.
Then k
logically, the visual protection then probably not its problem!
(If one should complain about it even more seriously.)
Then convince your neighbors in a personal conversation.
The agressor can be overwhelmed, he won’t have to agree or yet?
I’ve worked with the visual protection at the administration. It was then written to me that all the owners had to give you ok. At the meeting of 16 April. To argue with the neighbor, the administration said they were not responsible.
Contact your landlord immediately in writing.
Go to the police station and let you consult.
Mostly it helps if the police conduct the conversation with such people.
We had such a guy who even picked up our mail from the postman. He told me I could pick up my mail with him in the evening.
He absolutely didn’t want to see that our mailbox and the package messenger don’t attack him.
Even the postman gave the guy our packages, even though I was at home and I had clearly forbidden him. He didn’t even ring with us.
He turned away our daughter, she had nothing to look for here and the monkey theatre, if her Freud stayed with us, stood our car in our parking lot or on the visitor parking lot.
Our guests were controlled and rejected by the visitor parking lot etc.
The guy lived in the multi-family house next to our detached house.
Only stopped after several interventions at the post office and the landlord with registered letter.
You can’t ignore such people.
I’m sure our neighbors were a judge and prosecutor.
I have a condo. No landlords.
Yes, in summer I got a huge package. There was a big hole in a corner. He knew what was in it. So he made the hole. I notice that my milk box is always open when I get the mail. But I can’t prove anything.
I live in Switzerland. I can’t show him because he didn’t do anything criminal. And the police can’t do anything. But I think I’ll turn on a lawyer. I’m sure I’ll turn it on when something happens again. Then he has to expect the guardianship to turn on.
As far as your mail is concerned, have you regulated this? Otherwise, let a post attorney write that the post officer does not adhere to the rules. He can’t hand anything to the neighbor. You okay?
Thank you for your feedback. All right
I’m gonna put an inconspicuous camera in the mailbox or somewhere.
There’s a secret in the CH.
If you have a condominium, you can set up on your balcony what you want, also one.Sight protection .
Virlkeicht asks you about legal advice… on the topic .
I’m from Switzerland, too. I went directly to the post office and made a complaint and filled out a form.
It stopped!
We have set a deadline for the landlord.
It is actually forbidden to look into a neighbor’s mailbox only.
The lawyer couple also talked to the guy. Until then, they found the old only sweet until they got away from us, that what he does is not sweet and silly. They turned to the landlord. I’m sure that helped.
If you suspect that your neighbor has made the hole in your package, you must report it. It’s also worth an ad to the police.
Can’t be that you can’t move freely in the house.
Even as a tenant, you can’t do this if it is regulated in the house rules of the owner. Otherwise you’ll get mail from the owner of your apartment.
Neither do I. But the administration had warned me before. Let’s see if it’s for me. Others have already equipped their balcony. I had to tell the administrator where the hammer hangs. We are their employers. And not ours.
Thank you.
There is no complaint with me that I am a cooperative here and seem to have more rights than owners.
Well, good luck to you.
Courage and strength.⚘🖖
The properties of all apartments determine whether you can visually change the balcony. This applies to what the majority of the owners determine. It doesn’t matter if you are owner or tenant. If you are a tenant, the owner will forbid you to change the visual appearance of the balcony on the decision of all owners. If you do it anyway, you risk the caring and/or the owner gets cash. There are no great differences, whether you are owner or tenant. They must all adhere to the rules.
But not if they live in the same house. I correspond, for example, with invalidity insurance. This must not be known by the Tratschtanten
Well, I personally love it no matter what I think of the Coop staff, this is also herzlivh no matter what I get for packages or get up ..
But they see the sender and the recipient. That’s why I’m sending mail and parcels when you’re on the next post office
Yes but they do not open your post there.
You can display the neighbor when it opens your packages.
You can tap the postage. We need to get our mail to the Coop. This postage has long been dead
Theoretically, I can’t. I have already been pointed out by the administration. Other dedications have everything possible on the balcony, but the administration does nothing. Then I just do what I want, and I’ll take pictures of the other balconies. If I do something, my neighbor will complain. Because he can’t see my balcony anymore. He plays the boss everywhere. Here are 2 coupled EFH. The administration has already warned him because he has instructed the new housekeeper. He can’t.
That’s it. However, we have adopted the rules of the previous owner (ganzes Haus). The meeting will take place only 1 x a year, but I will probably make an application that this point will be changed. We are owners here, but the Trulla of the administration that is paid by us plays the boss. There have been several complaints.
Yeah, we know some of this trouble. Has actually prevented us from buying a condominium.
I’d prefer to take a rental apartment.
Depending on the composition of the owners, this can actually be a very frustrating thing.
8 So you must not raise a large parasol in seriousness as a protection against your balcony?
So I’m glad and grateful No Apartment to own. !
The owner’s meeting regulates what you can and what you can’t. That’s mega tedious 😰
You don’t have to change the look, you’ll probably have to have a big parasol/sail in the direction of the harassor.
Unfortunately, you can’t change anything on the balcony in terms of appearance. Stands in the rules of the owners. The administration keeps it tightly.
I’m surprised.
Eben unfortunately not
But if you report this to the mail, they will warn against them.
I can’t report the mail. Once a package has been deposited, the mail is no longer responsible.
Actually, he knows now that I don’t want any contact. It’s up to him how this goes on. During the move, he told me that they had to move about “due to blőd neighbors” 2 x.
They’re moved in. From the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor. He just went to my old apartment and stole my stuff (!!!). He wanted to have a shelf. I read it in front of his Tűr and never got a thank you.
It’s a nasty thing he takes.
As long as you’re in discussions with him, he’ll go on as well. Just ignore it! At some point, he stops when he realizes that you don’t get to his provocation anymore!
That’s what I thought today. I’ll do that in future. Thank you.
You know, things like moving cartons on your balcony are going to fuck your neighbors.
Vllcht does not help you look at him as someone who wants to control you and others, but rather than the poor sausage that has nothing else in life that he is.
On such questions as in the elevator one can only answer confidently with “because they are a control-worthy person who complains about every little thing and I don’t want to have anything to do with someone like that”.
I know this is not easy, especially with mental illness, but let the thought that this wild person can absolutely have no control over you sometimes circle in your head
That’s true. Thanks for the input
Now such people have control over others because they are not voluntarily abducted from their actions.
I would tell the guy very clearly that he should take care of his affairs….A KLARE AND GERMAN APPROACH often works miracles….
Just try to bear him and not take it too hard. The only alternative would be to withdraw.
I think that I should emigrate. But it still takes
Don’t go to his stupid jelly!
Say time of day and ciao!!
And what you’ve got on the balcony is going on a damp throat.
That’s what I see. I had the balcony door open and hoarded, as he said quite loudly on the window: So these boxes… now the hat goes up”
I’m very insensitive now, but some problems solve themselves…
Eat like that. What should change sensibility there 😆
I mean, in particular, the age of the neighbor
I really hope that
I hope that’s what I hope 😉
Sure. Wanted to say that it would also change nix if you were to say it “sensible”. 😁
Tell him fuck off, that’s superbly effective. You’re too nice.