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2 years ago

Who said that? The “experts” in the family and friends circle?

Don’t give it: when my last wisdom tooth came out, the wound was sewn and I had no tamponad in it. But it wasn’t necessary, as I let my dentist insure me.

Trust your dentist and let those half-knowing people talk!

2 years ago

So with my pulled teeth, I’ve always had something to bite. Should you not be removed until the bleeding has been left.

Maybe every dentist is different.

2 years ago

It is usually so that after a tooth removal/OP you should bite on a mullet-upfer (tamponade is something completely different) for a while if that was not the case with you, then your handler did not consider it necessary.

2 years ago

Does it still bleed? If not, it’s all right. If it’s still bleeding, then take a soft towel (no handkerchief!!!!) and bite it.

2 years ago

I can imagine that a tamonade is only necessary for open wounds because blood flows from it. But if the wound was sewn, then no or only very little blood can flow, and then a tamponade is certainly not necessary, is it?