Nach wie vielen Tagen wird er erkennen das er sie verloren hat?
nehmen wir ein Mann sagt er will eine Pause um zu entscheiden ob er es beendet oder nicht. Er sagt maximal 10 Tage. Sie nimmt es an. Sonst aber redet sie nochmal am ersten Tag mit ihm oder am nächsten Tag bei Streit oder Trennung.
Diesmal aber rennt sie ihm nicht hinterher. Der Mann meinte auch sie wird sich melden und hinterherrennen und ständig traurig sein deswegen. Sie meint nein ihr Leben geht auch ohne ihn weiter. Sie kennt ihren Wert und weiß das sie einen guten Mann verdient da sie eine gute Frau ist. Nach wie vielen Tagen könnte man davon ausgehen das da nix mehr kommen wird von ihr ?
Just call day 11 and everyone says if he/she wants a relationship or not finished.
I’m the same opinion as your friend, and I don’t think you’re holding this for 10 days.
Does he seem to test me?
Bravo, you recognized it!
And if you don’t?
You can’t do it without Him! I think he’s already decided and this test is just some kind of fun for him, because he knows you don’t. So, now I’m out!
You said it was just a test
he can’t do without me
(I just have the urgent need to bite into the sofa bed!) Look, in my opinion, he’s just closing on rats. After these 10 days he will have come to the realization that he can live well without you. Vl even better. He just doesn’t want to stop right now. If you call him within these 10 days, he can break a dispute from the fence and then break it. Either way, get used to the thought of being single soon. To your question in the post: if you haven’t reported to him for 10 15 days, and he doesn’t call himself, it was.
That’s all gone. About a month ago
what do you know about the text here that he just wants to test and what brings him the test
Girls, I’ve read some of your texts and written in some. You’re very clearly describing his reactions to your constant calls. How he reacts when you wake him up to ask him unnecessary questions. You don’t need a lot of human knowledge to realize that he’s annoyed.
You don’t know how I treat him? I mean on the basis of this
You feel a thousand similar texts
How do you know? On the basis of my text?
Bingo. He just wants to have his peace before you.
So why do you think that? Is it not about whether he will miss me but about my dependence?
So honestly, butter on the fish! 😀 what about the break? either he/she wants or doesn’t make sense for me! What exactly changes on the 11th day?
I as a man would never press a pistol to my chest from any woman in the world to choose! Then the answer would always be no.
Sry that I’m so direct!
So isn’t it about whether he will miss me, but about my dependence?