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1 year ago

Well, even if you distort your body weight, I guess you’ll be after 1/2 liter. Don’t drink until 1 liter.

And note: Alcohol is given in percentages (%). Promille (‰) on the other hand, only in the Alko test, e.g. in the case of tube bubbles as part of a police control.

A white wine with 12.5 ‰ could even give you a child to drink without getting out. However, don’t do this: even a non-alcoholic beer has a certain degree of alcohol, even if only in the promille area that is negligible for adults.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wattebett

Sorry, I read the 80 kg. In principle, however, does not change my assessment.

In the meantime, I have taken your comment to analbtraum that you understand a kind of delirium (“common”) under “noise”. At least 3 liters of white wine would be required. On the following day, however, you will get so dirty that you never want to experience such a state again.

1 year ago
Reply to  WraithGhost

WraithGhost writes: “A white wine with 12.5 ‰ could even give you a child to drink without it getting out.”

Sorry, but that’s a bit of dangerous nonsense you’re spreading here. Large wine glasses can hold up to 0.25 liters and, at 12.5% alcohol content, heavy alcohol poisoning could already occur in a smaller child, especially when quickly drunk.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  TheDutchOven

I think that the Promille character was deliberately used in the cited text passage.

1 year ago

Normal white wine has 12.5 percent and not just 12.5 percent. The questioner will be a simple typing error. I think will know what it was meant. His comment can be quickly misunderstood as it happened to me. But if we finish the example, the wine would still have 1.25 percent, which at 0.25 l would still be so much alcohol that a smaller child could take serious damage.

1 year ago

Do not have personal experiences in this regard. Thank God.

Could be possible, however, that you wake up the next day in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

“Common” is not a clearly defined state. In addition, it is not just the amount of alcohol acting on one. In addition, body weight, gender, reconciliation, genetics, stomach content, emotional condition, daily form, drinking speed, or also expectations play a role.

When you drink, you should always do this slowly and consciously. Alcohol begins to work after a few minutes, but it can take 30 to 60 minutes until a swallow of it has completely passed into the blood and fully unfolds its effect. It means that from the time when you stop drinking, the effect can only increase a little further, which is particularly unpleasant to dangerous, if you stop until it is too much for you.

Maybe interesting:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Wattebett

Joa. How much you have to take in order to achieve a desired state or how much you can absorb to a maximum in order not to fall into an unpleasant state is not to be said in advance. You can only try it.

1 year ago

This varies as often as individual.

1 year ago

This depends on the individual.