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2 years ago

The Zistercian Order lived according to this rule:

Carta Caritatis – Wikipedia

In principle, each order had its own rule (see a. BenjaminSisko). Examinations were probably common, as the constitutions of democracies also resemble each other.

2 years ago

Various monasteries and medals had different shapes. I even know that as an atheist.

2 years ago

I would say that in the 12th. The regula Benedicti was still decisive:

The Cistercians are a reform movement of the Benedictines and relate strongly to them, but then wrote their own rule as already mentioned.

Otherwise, there were also a few groups such as the choir lords and the premonstrates, who held on versions of the Augustine rule, and the Carthusians had their own statutes.

The beelords like the Franciscans, clariks, dominicans, who were only a bit later, beginning of the 13th. Founded.

2 years ago

Ora et labora maybe.