Nach tetanus impfung rauschen im ohr?
Es hört sich wie ein tinitus an Nach meiner tetanus impfung. Kann es sein das ich einen impfschaden habe ?
Es hört sich wie ein tinitus an Nach meiner tetanus impfung. Kann es sein das ich einen impfschaden habe ?
Hallo liebe user, ich wurde heute morgen um 10 Uhr geimpft und fühle mich gerade richtig schlecht. Ich fange bald mit der Arbeit an, aber überlege mir Bescheid zu sagen das ich nicht heute arbeiten kann. Ist es möglich das es wegen der Impfung ist? LG Elias
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Hello, noise in the ear is definitely a hint of tinnitus. It does not happen so frequently, but this can also be a side effect of vaccination. If you’ve never had this noise before, and just after the vaccination, I’d assume it’s related. Tomorrow back to the doctor and/or the HNO.
Is that an imperfect?
I would not describe it as damage, but as a side effect. It should mean that it doesn’t have to be permanent, but temporary. I’d still go to the doctor if it’s still there tomorrow.
Can you treat yourself well when you get active early enough?
I understand that very well. I’ve had a tinnitus for six years. As a probable side effect of a vaccination, you don’t have to go crazy. If you get active tomorrow, you’ll do everything right. Question is what happens with a tetanus vaccination. Often doctors in a tinnitus write prednisolone tablets (cortisone).
That’s all. It’s just who and make me crazy.
I got something like that and my mother also found it somehow related to the lympic system which is much more susceptible to vaccination due to the injection…
When it sounds like a tinnitus, it doesn’t work with the vaccination. You should go to the doctor if it stops
It’s been there since yesterday. The vaccination was yesterday.
Wait till tomorrow, then to the doctor
I would definitely ask the doctor
Not more.
Then what’s that little out in the ear?