Nach Strand tut Eichel weh?
nach dem heutigen strandbesuch habe ich bin Urinieren gemerkt das es anfing zu brennen und als ich duschen war bzw mich abgetrocknet habe ist eine rote Stelle neben meinem penis Loch und bei jeder Berührung brennt es. Könnt ihr mir Tipps geben?
It can simply be irritated or also bacteria/pilliance. Go to the urologist before the inflammation spreads.
If I get that right, you wore swim shorts. They are generally quite impractical and inconvenient and only rightly unsuitable when one is circumcised. The net offers little hold so that the penis can move a lot and the acorn is exposed to friction on the fabric. The net is then often still rough, which does not make the thing better and if sand gets into the loose shorts, it gets really bad.
My recommendation for you: Get rid of the stupid shorts and get reasonable tightly attached swimwear. From the cut I would recommend you either slips or if you want to cover a little more, jammer. Make sure they don’t have a seam in the middle
Yeah, the acorn was irritated by the sand. Also fits me sometimes. A seating bath with Kamillosan helps.
It’ll be a vandellia. I’d go to the doctor. But as fast as possible
rubbed by sand or fabric…and thus very irritated
I would show the doctor