Nach Soldat auf Zeit Security?
Hallo zusammen ich und paar Kameraden haben eine einfache Frage undzwar ob unsere Wachausbildung gleich dem 34a Schein ist oder um es noch einfacher zu erklären brauchen wir nach unserer Dienstzeit einen 34a Schein um als Fachkraft für Schutz und Sicherheit anzufangen ?
Danke euch und ruhig mehrere Antworten und wissenstände danke euch
No. The training of guards has the work protection training or Specialist for protection and security nothing to do.
I think I’m a very stupid idea (very low income) – I’d be applying for duty at your place.
Would the customs accept one? In theory we all have only one military training
Apply costs nix and those who have started working with the customs also at 0 – there you are at least a little bit further.
I assume that you need it
Is it possible to make it a SaZ during our time?
Boy, how are you viable?
You know best when you have free time and can do the course. Otherwise you can also make it online if necessary.
Thinking yourself for 5 seconds isn’t your strength, is it?