Nach Rasur rötungen?
Hallo liebe Gute Frage Community!
Ich habe zu Weihnachten einen Rasierer bekommen (Philips One Blade). Heute habe ich es zum ersten Mal ausprobiert an den Achseln mit Rasierschaum. Trotzdem habe ich danach extreme Rötungen und Schmerzen an den Stellen obwohl ich wirklich Mega vorsichtig bin?! Leider habe ich keinen Vater der mir da gerade helfen kann. Deshalb frage ich euch:)
ps: bin männlich und 14 Jahre.
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir bei meinem Problem helfen und wisst woran es liegt.
Let it go
Are there more pimples or a red surface? You can’t handle the shaving gel. The oneblade can also be used dry, try this.
it’s just a red surface and no pimples just took a shaving foam without me much to deal with it. I’ve tried to get the same thing out of it already dry :/
How long have you been shaking in general, so you have already shaved before it. It can also be that your skin just needs to get used to it. It’s already stressful for your skin. For the oneblade there is an extra blade that should also be suitable for the intimate area, maybe it would be better for your skin. You have to test. I have the part too and so far I had no problems with it. replacement blade/dp/B07P9ZGRSV/ref=sr_1_2?crid=FEDCAWC3QD8F&keywords=one+blade+body+set&qid=1704629875&sprefix=one+blade+Body
You can see if you get them individually or cheaper. On the picture at Amazon it is the upper. unfortunately could not find any single blade on the fast on Amazon just this set.
I’ll get the extra blades you can tell me which ones are or send the link from Amazon thank you
Wait till you grow a beard 🙂
Give shaving water to your shaved place after shaving. Burn something but it helps against shave fire.