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2 years ago

The pill after that can only do what to do if it was taken before the ovulation. If that was the case, I guess you won’t get pregnant. But the pill after that is a hormone bomb and should not be taken easily and is also not a contraceptive. If you want to have sex, but don’t want kids, you should be safe.

2 years ago

Try it out. Head slug helps also, google can also serve everyone. It’s best not to have sex if you’re so… (I don’t like a proper word to)

After taking the “pattern afterwards” there is no protection against contraception for the remainder of the cycle, which is why a barrier method, e.g. condom, should continue to be prevented.

2 years ago

It has a reason that it is called pill after and not pill before

2 years ago

Dummy seems really infinite.

2 years ago
Reply to  havrkxiwvrls

That’s not aggressive, that’s honest.