Nach Operation kiffen okay?
Ich hatte Mittwoch Morgen eine Beschneidung, ja es ist relativ spät mit 19 aber es musste sein. Jetzt möchte ich mir heute abend 1 oder 2 joints zünden ist das okay? Im internet findet man kaum was darüber, wie ist das mit den schmerzen und der wundheilung? Und wie sieht es mit hhc aus da mein kollege so eine Vape hat.
Bitte nur ernstgemeinte fragen alle anderen werden ignoriert.
Danke im voraus ✌🏽
Cannabinoids have the property of strengthening positive and negative sensations. It is therefore possible for the snare to hurt even more than usual.
Background is that cannabis is medically able to alleviate some chronic pain forms, but no acute pain such as abdominal pain, wound pain, tooth pain etc.
HHC as a semi-synthetically produced cannabinoid that is not sufficiently researched is rather a spear compared to natural cannabis.
However, if you want to buff, I guess at most one to two trains.
Thanks wanted to be very high
Do you know how the ibuprofen did I get 600?
Basically unproblematic.
However, I still strongly recommend HHC
No one can forbid you. That it is neither healthy nor beneficial for wound healing should be clear.
Not good? Even if it’s pure and without taboo?
Smoking is always highly toxic.
Cannabis acts anti-inflammatory, so anti-inflammatory. In this respect, it can promote wound healing.
Yes, that’s clear that it’s not healthy for lungs at the end of the day, etc is thought only it would be good against pain etc.
I do not know whether an influence of cannabis on the healing of small wounds has been investigated or detected. If it were dramatic, it would have been heard during the last decades to centuries. I think the dangers are more likely to come to fruition.
Okay thanks tabak is obviously not good but I smoke only pure
Tobacco is definitely blur. But again: It looks different in the head. The fact that tobacco blunts the intellect has not been found to date.
Yes, but it’s better to do 1 2 brownies than holes in the body
Get up right first! In addition, I would like to give you the hint that it should be grounded. Kiffen destroys the brain cells and you quickly become dependent on it. Or would you rather be cool, but be a ruin with 30 years?