Red circles under your eyes after smoking weed?

Hey, I smoked a joint today that was very normal and had its normal effect.

Now, after a few hours, I have something red under my eye and it burns a little. Is this due to the grass, or is this normal?

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1 year ago

In some cases, redness caused by cannabis use may occur in the white tissue of the eyes.
Your redness under the eye, however, what has nothing to do with cannabis and possibly is based on pollen flight – or another allergic reaction.
If it aches and you rub it, of course it will also be red.

1 year ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

A common effect of cannabis use is low blood pressure, extended blood vessels and increased blood circulation in our body.

This leads to the arteries in extend our eye. This makes her look red or bloody.

The fact that cannabis expands blood vessels and blood circulation the Eye stimulates, can contribute significantly to the treatment of green star. Typical of this disease is an increased intraocular pressure.

I have been a member of the ACM for 22 years, working group cannabis as a medicine and have active contributes to the fact that the “exception permits according to § 3 BtMG” originally granted by the BfArM have become a medical prescription and associated sale of cannabis in pharmacies. As far as “no idea”,

1 year ago

Cannabis is not suitable for children.

had a normal effect


OnceTHCenters the body, it acts as a vasodilator, which means that it expands the blood vessels and increases blood flow. As a result, the blood vessels are larger in the eyes, which leads to increased blood circulation and causes a redness of the eyes.

Red eyes through cannabis – the reasons and what … – buyhigh

I recommend letting the fingers of the drugs and spending time in practicing spelling and grammar.

1 year ago

The redness is normal, but leave your fingers off.

I know it’s cool, but it’s just gonna break you.


1 year ago

Once THC enters the body, it acts as a vasodilator, which means it expands the blood vessels and increases blood flow. As a result, the blood vessels are in the eye sizer, which leads to increased blood circulation and causes a redness of the eyes. 🤠

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