Emigrating to Canada, what is it like there?

What is school like there (when I'm in 10th grade at high school).

And besides, I'm worried I won't make any friends (because my English isn't perfect and I don't understand some things very well), and I won't know anyone there. Also, what if I can't keep up with the class because of that (because it's in English).

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1 year ago

If your father (?) got an attractive job offer in Canada and liked this, I hope you are, it’s in Toronto where this school is located: English International School Toronto – Wikipedia

I don’t know how old you are, but there is the possibility of staying with relatives or going to a German boarding school until your school degree in DE.

Have you ever been to Canada? Do you have contacts there, etc?

The school in DE 2 years before Abi to taste without acceptable solution is of course a problem. Another possibility would be that you stay with your mother until Abi in DE, and you will come after your Abi. My child’s school is worth a temporary distance relationship.

What do your parents say about your concerns? You don’t deprive your child without the need for a German Abitur.

More details about the plaens of your parents would be helpful. Especially financial.

1 year ago

Your English skills will quickly improve through the immersion method.

1 year ago

How do you believe that Canada just lets you in like that?

Canada has a rather rigid immigration law. You should already have completed vocational training in an area where there is a lack of Canada. Otherwise it’ll be nix.

1 year ago
Reply to  RobertLiebling

Read the question carefully.

1 year ago
Reply to  Easygoing775

I did. There’s no word from parents.