Bowel movement after every meal?
Why do I have a bowel movement after every meal
Why do I have a bowel movement after every meal
I've had this for 6 weeks now, every evening after eating I get stomach pains, sometimes they are mild, sometimes severe or rarely not at all, I wanted to do a test to see if I have any intolerances, I must admit I never eat healthily so I'm missing out on a lot of vitamins…
Hello 🙂 My problem is that my fingernails have been blue since today. I noticed it two hours ago. I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow (for something else), but I'll also mention it! Unfortunately, I suffer from hypochondria, which is why I'm mostly searching for illnesses online. It says it's 100% related to my…
Whenever I don't eat my stomach doesn't hurt, like when I skip lunch or breakfast, but when I eat something my stomach hurts after eating. I've tried eating waffles these days to see what happens and I've had that for 4 days now and I have mild yellowish diarrhea, but the stomach pain only comes…
Since I started at my new school, I've noticed that my hands are sweating a lot and I have a strange feeling. My hands have been shaking slightly for several months. This shaking is very annoying. What can I do about it? I have to give a presentation soon, and I'm scared.
Hello, I've been in training since August of last year and, from August to January, I was sick for nine days in the first six months. Since the beginning of February, I've been sick for another nine days (really sick, with fiber and everything). My training lasts a total of 3.5 years. How many sick…
Hey, I'm an 18-year-old girl and I've had a black dot in my left eye for about two months (I think it's only in the left eye). At first I was terrified that I might be going blind or have a retinal detachment, so I went to the eye doctor, but he said there was…
Maybe your stomach intestinal tract is irritated, you have too much stress or an incompatibility. Is the consistency normal or thin?
Then it can also be that your stomach intestinal tract works very quickly. I think I’ve had time. Can make it medically clear for security reasons. I had this with stress. If I’m stressed, you’ll get a little bit more tight.
In the medical jargon, the gastro-colic reflex is called. Do something up and down there’s something coming out. Is practical-> never suffering from clogging!!!!!!
Probably an incompatibility, or a disease.
I’d have to explain it a little.