Nach Japan, wenn man Trans ist?
also ich bin weiblich 17 Jahre alt und ja, ich bin Trans, also wurde im Körper eines Jungen geboren. Ich finde Japan sehr interessant und lerne auch seit einiger Zeit Japanisch. Ich will auf jeden Fall Mal nach Japan und nach dem ich einige Erfahrungen und pro und contra Argumente dafür gesammelt habe, könnte ich mir, sollte es mir natürlich dort gefallen, würde ich dort sogar leben wollen, aber das steht noch in den Sternen, ob das wirklich passiert.
Zu meiner Frage, also ich kenne die Rechtslage, was Trans Personen angeht in Japan. Wie sieht es da mit der Diskriminierung aus? Hat dort jemand von euch Erfahrungen gesammelt?
My former exchange organisation once had a queer person from Austria as an exchange student in Japan. He had reported that he was amazed at how well he was recorded and how little it was a “thema”. I would say that the experiences as exchange students and as part of the working population could differ in this point, but there is also at least one small LBGTQ lobby in Japan.
Japan is one of the few Asian countries, where the LGBTQ community is “released” I say. You’re not the biggest supporters, but you don’t have to count on much hatred over you. Of course, there will also be one or the other who is not so much in agreement with it, but that is, unfortunately, everywhere.
It is rather rare that a Japanese (as Touri) tells you something directly what bothers him/her etc.
You’ll look at yourself from the side, not much more.
Immigration – let’s see if you get a visa, because that’s a thing of impossibility – it looks different. In Japan it is generally seen as a foreigner who wants to live there quite on rejection. Renting an apartment etc. is already very, very difficult – something like this will probably hit you much more. I call sublime racism.
I’m always wondering how so many people come to this racism funnel. Live in Japan for 5 years now and have no problems with any rejection or anything else.
I’ve never been to Japan myself, but I’ve seen enough YT videos won people who are not Japanese and live there for several years. They don’t choose to let them in there…