Nach Gv komisches Gefühl im Unterleib?
Ich hatte Gv ohne Verhütung nach 12 Stunden bis 1 Tag habe ich ein komisches Gefühl im Unterleib, ist das Einbildung oder was bedeutet das?
Ich hatte Gv ohne Verhütung nach 12 Stunden bis 1 Tag habe ich ein komisches Gefühl im Unterleib, ist das Einbildung oder was bedeutet das?
Eure persönliche Meinung ist gefragt
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Hello, it’s always a little bit about it.
If the guy is RIES from his trousers and then brushes half an hour like a mental cranny, then probably each of us here afterwards >> has a strange feeling in the abdomen < <. It's normal, it's going off quite quickly and it doesn't have to get you a really nice smile.
With contraception yes or no, this has nothing to do, that is completely the same with or without pill. Don’t worry about it and just wait. – Greetings, Imke =)
Bacteria, tissue cracks, enclosed air…
This can have some causes that don’t have to be bad.
Watch your drain. If it’s disgusting, let’s look at diseases.
I hope for you that you knew this someone you had sex with, because still there are sexual diseases. If it was a stranger, you should have an HIV test after 6 weeks and definitely have the next time with condom sex, you don’t look at every person’s disease.
No, not really. Did you go after the gv on the wc pipipi? Sometimes you get ovulate. So always go pip after