Nach füllung dennoch bisschen Karies zu sehen?

Hallo ich hatte vor 3 Wochen eine Füllung am schneidezahn vorne.
da hab ich gleich 2 Fragen

  1. ich spüre die kante also wenn ich mit meinem finger gehe kann ich die kanten der füllung spüren ist dss normal?
  2. ich kann bisschen karies noch an den kanten sehen ist das auch normal? Also hinten drin im mund drinne der bereich da
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1 year ago

i feel the edge so when I go with my finger I can feel the edges of the filling is dss normal?

Yes, you can feel the edges of your teeth… if it’s really fragrant then go back to the dentist and let that go. The difference between tooth and filling is normal.

Caries shouldn’t be seen anymore, that’s either a discoloration you see, or you have more appointments at the dentist, and that’s what he’s doing.

Otherwise, the doctor would have removed everything, and he’ll finally be paid. Of course you can always get a second opinion from another dentist. He can also tell you if his colleague has built a measure and is certainly more competent than most here, including me.

1 year ago

If you are not satisfied with your front tooth filling – I would also be – then immediately go to the ZA and insist that a reasonable filling is made that does not notice. This filling does not cost you a cent because there is a warranty requirement of 2 years.