Nach Entzug wieder anfangen zu kiffen?
Ich (M/15) habe vor einem halben Jahr angefangen zu kiffen ich habe dann relativ schnell angefangen Zuhause vor allem alleine zu kiffen und jeden Tag zu kiffen nach einer Zeit habe ich meistens wenn ich alleine war Panik Attacken und eine derealisation bekommen jetzt habe ich ungefähr 2 Monate Pause gemacht aber möchte irgendwie wieder anfangen zwar nicht mehr jeden Tag und auch nicht mehr alleine sondern im guten Freundeskreis kann mir jemand vielleicht Tipps geben ob sowas dann wieder kommen kann oder ob das nur ist wenn man zu viel raucht? Danke für die Antworten
You want a free letter. You want good reasons why you should use cannabis again.
But no one can express this letter to you with 15 because you are in the middle of puberty, your brain is still in development and therefore there is always the risk that you will regain negative experiences with cannabis because you are much too little informed about cannabis and its properties.
Use the time until you (at least) 18 are reading to avoid mistakes in dealing with cannabis: “Rauschzeichen” (Wurth and Geyer).
Okay many thanks for the detailed answer
I’m guessing about consumption. Not only because, in principle, unpleasant side effects can always occur when dealing with such substances—especially when exaggerated. It is also because consumption at this age can have a negative impact on development.
Wait for a few more years. As soon as you have reached the full year, the risks associated with consumption tend to be a good bit lower than they are today. Not that cannabis is automatically good for all adults. It’s not like that. Some people should simply do without it because they don’t care.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Maybe interesting: reflection/
Thank you for the answer
Please, please.
Can only tell you from your own experience, let it simply cost unnecessary money your health also does not quite the contrary and remember that you have only a health that is not to be undone. I’ve stolen 15 years and finally got to stop at 30. What kind of experiences I have gathered believe me you don’t want to know don’t want to scare you my tip just let it save the money and enjoy the other things in life
Promise your disorders with your psychiate and let yourself in again
A nice answer