After surgery?

I had ankle surgery after a fall. I was given a plaster cast which means I can't walk or put my foot in it for at least six weeks. Normally I'm able to walk with two forearm supports during this time, including up and down stairs. However, I can't because I don't have full strength in my arm due to an older injury. The hospital prescribed me a walking frame and a mobile toilet chair so that I can at least be somewhat mobile in my apartment. My health insurance company paid for a 14-day transport service, but this has now expired and I won't be able to make it to my next check-up appointment for follow-up care because I still have two screws and a plate in my ankle which won't come out for about six weeks. I'm not able to go to the appointment alone or with forearm supports because the health insurance company won't cover the cost of a transport service after the 14 days are up. The same thing happens. I should get a referral from the orthopedist, but I have the same problem. I can climb the stairs here in the house and go down the stairs to the orthopedist with my walking frame or commode. They can't come into the house, of course. Calling the orthopedist won't help; they want me to come over, but that's not possible for me. I'd be delighted if it were possible. So I can't make my follow-up appointment. Everyone else is completely up in the air, just like me. Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks.

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3 months ago

Hello Judith

Unfortunately, you do not provide details in which country you live and which insurance is responsible.

In my country, accident insurance pays all the measures prescribed by medical authorities in case of an accident. So rescue, operation, hospital costs, physiotherapy, care, rehabilitation and, of course, also the driving costs.

For wound care, “Spitex” enters the house, which are nurses who have a center in the communities and carry out various care services according to regulations.

So first again ask for your accident insurance, which doctor must issue the necessary regulations so that you will be looked after. If they want to wipe you off, you must contact the consumer protection, health insurance or the ombudsman depending on the country.

However, your family doctor, community or legal protection can also show you the right steps to get support.


Start Ombudstelle Schleswig-Holstein

Ombudstelle – Fonds Soziales Wien (FSW) – Sozialinfo Wien

Consultation Switzerland

Wish you all the good and soon recovery.

Love greetings


3 months ago

Friends, relatives, acquaintances… or a caretaker (to pay)

3 months ago
Reply to  Judith4444

Not to go to the appointment is not an option

And yes, you just have to ask people for help even if you’re embarrassed.

3 months ago

How about under-axle walking sticks like they are used by the US Americans?


3 months ago
Reply to  Judith4444

…and that would be an alternative if you could not use “normal”! She can give you the doctor….