Nach einer Woche Krankschreibung wieder zur Arbeit (Bänderüberdehnung)?

Ich habe mein Bein vor einiger Zeit umgeknickt. Heute war ich beim Hausarzt und anschließend beim Orthopäden. Der hatte eine Bänderüberdehnung festgestellt nachdem er sich die Röntgenaufnahmen angeschaut hatte. Sollte man sich da schonen, oder kann man in Ruhe arbeiten gehen?

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2 years ago

Hello Tanja,

it depends on how it is in a week and how you do it. If you don’t feel resilient and mobile enough, you can just go back to the doctor who will probably write you sick for another week. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to work. Did you get a gypsum, vacoped shoe or something? That wouldn’t be done with a week anyway, so that you can’t go back to work after a week. Good improvement!

2 years ago
Reply to  tanja3313

Oh, okay. Then I’d just keep an eye on it and wait as it gets better. This week, I would spare my foot and maybe not big with it (just pull on a shoe and grab the injured foot in socks, then just hump on two crutches, which relieves the bands) and then see how it is at the weekend. Usually it should be better then!

2 years ago
  1. “Wow” the doctor sees band structures on X-ray images, has already lost respect with me
  2. Were you even physically examined or just the obligatory 10€ x-ray?!
  3. If the doctor has gotten right with ligament stretching, you would have to slowly get into the gears and get used to the load again, otherwise it was with the motion dimension.
2 years ago
Reply to  tanja3313


2 years ago

You better ask your doctors, we don’t know the severity of the injury.