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Ich habe ja von den 0,3g erzählt, das das sehr stark war obwohl das so eine geringe Menge war, jetzt habe ich das Problem das nach 2 mal schlafen die Wirkung irgendwie wieder gekommen ist es sind ungefähr 33 Stunden her und jetzt eben wo ich zum 2 mal aufgestanden bin war alles so gedämmt also jeder hat so tief geredet und als ich selber geredet habe hat es sich so angefühlt als hätte ich garnix gesagt und nur vorgestellt das ich geredet habe.

ist das jetzt irgend was schlimmes oder kann das ab und zu mal passieren das die Wirkung irgendwie viel länger bleibt sogar wenn die Wirkung in der Zeit nach gelassen hatte das sie danach wieder anfängt

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2 years ago

I call the high-flashbacks, but these are usually only placebo, because real high-flashbacks come in the very beginning when you start to grind or after longer breaks.

2 years ago

Sure, it’s normal for cannabis. This can also happen over a longer period, again and again. But of course not as strong as when consumption was only a few days ago.

2 years ago

Definitely imagination through other feelings. If you call placebo an effect comprehensible to say a seeming effect.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jdjdjdjdj752zz

How else do you feel? Tired…

2 years ago

Yes exactly

2 years ago

Sounds like nem placebo effect e.g. of tiredness

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

What’s going on can’t judge strangers from the internet either. Presumptions can be done. So it can happen that there is a bit of sulting. In particular, minors who exaggerate it with the amount seem to report about such more or less unpleasant aftereffects. These usually go back. Sometimes within days, sometimes within weeks.

It is important that you remain sober. What can help is enough sleep and fluid supply as well as sporty activity. It’s generally healthy.

If it gets worse or too uncomfortable, it would be better to talk to a doctor. Thanks to confidentiality, you can easily discuss your own drug use there.

You can find many general information about the usual effects and side effects as well as the known risks associated with consumption here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Jdjdjdjdj752zz

Too much is relative.