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Dessert means you have eaten a menu that is closed by a dessert.
An ice cream can also be a dessert.
But to consume the ice in addition to dessert, destroys the meaning of the previous meal. This is – roughly speaking – cultural Bolshevism or at least the transition from gourmet to gourmant.
An ice cream is better than a separate pleasure, as a leisure pleasure, as a mood brightener for in between.
Thanks for the star!
Everyone has to decide, but it would be too much for me.
After dessert another ice cream?
Clear: N!
Again, a further portion of dessert after dessert in the form of an ice cream already borders on the dessert, i.e. on freeness and immeasurability and, due to its high energy content due to the sugar and the considerable calories, clearly increases the healthy measure of how much you can still take to you in a healthy way! You can also exaggerate it! And customs belonged to the 7 deadly sins among others for many centuries! And not without reason! So: If an ice cream, then d ie s e s is already dessert! Then eat the ice with pleasure, but then let it be good and finish with the rest! For too much is unhealthy and, if you look around, leads to the fact that 66% of the population are now overweight and the majority of those now have considerable illnesses that people have eaten right now! It doesn’t have to be and pays for the quality of life! Therefore: either dessert or ice cream!
If I eat ice, it’s my dessert or a “intermediate meal”.
I don’t need an ice cream right after the (other) dessert of a menu.
Ice always goes;-), sometimes I like to eat one in the middle of the night!
The dessert alone is enough.
Ice always goes.
Only very rare and rather not..
🌼 Sometimesscarry
I wouldn’t even want a dessert.
Ice always goes!