Nach dem Essen kotzen?
mein Bruder ist untergewichtig. Er ist 175 cm groß und wiegt 45kg (14 Jahre alt). Er isst sehr wenig, aber in letzter Zeit kotzt er sein Essen immer aus. Er ist eigentlich normale Portionen, doch manchmal übertreibt er. Er liegt nur im Bett, isst nicht, geht nicht raus, spielt die ganze Zeit am Pc. Ich versuche ihm manchmal zu erklären, dass es ungesund ist so zu leben, aber er ignoriert es. Zum Frühstück ist er immer 1 oder 2 Toasts, Mittagessen lässt er aus und am Abend dann Nudeln oder Fast Food. Irgendwelche Tipps?
I think there should be a therapist, and in the worst case, he needs to go to a clinic.
What your brother has a eating disorder, but it doesn’t have to. That can also arise through the school (if he goes to school). What you can really do about it can only tell you a therapist. You better talk to your parents and your brother.
Good luck continue to <3
Sounds strongly after eating disorder (and possibly further addictions). It’s more like a therapy.
Talk to your parents (what I think you have already done).
It’s important to help him out!
These are signs of eating disorders and bulimia…
bulimieneis a mental illness, whichDisordersheard. The affected people have recurring craving attacks in which they eat uncontrolled. After such “eat attacks” they are very afraid to take. Therefore, they break, take abduction or drive excessive sports.
Maybe she goes to a doctor/therapist/clinic specializing in it. I think this is really difficult for you and your family!
I wish you a lot of health, strength & patience! ⭐ ⭐
That thing is, my brother wants to increase, but he doesn’t get it. He’s more afraid to take off even more because he’s somehow weighing 44kg…
Maybe she goes to a doctor/therapist/clinic specializing in it.
Much strength!
Talk to your parents. He needs urgent therapeutic help.
Sounds like eating disorder. Vlt you should be a therapist with him.
Talk to the parents!
My parents know we live in the same household, but I’m out of my mind now. We try to make it all stop and he feeds himself normally but as simple as it seems, it is not.
Then don’t stop.