Nach dem Abitur ein Auslandsjahr machen?


ich bin momentan 16 Jahre alt uns werde dieses Jahr im Februar 17 . Nächstes Jahr mach ich mein Abitur und ich wollte schon immer ein Auslandsjahr machen. Habe schon angefangen für die Planung für ein Auslandsjahr nach der 10 aber dann haben mich so viele davon abgeraten und nun bin ich in der 11 aber nach der 11 kann ich es nicht machen, da ich jetzt schon Punkte sammel für mein Abitur.

Ich würde dann nach dem Abitur gerne ein Auslandsjahr machen. Nun habe ich aber gesehen das viele geschrieben haben, das das nicht geht, weil ich dann zu alt bin.

Ist es möglich trotzdem ein Auslandsjahr zu machen? Ich würde gerne nach Großbritannien oder in die USA.

Danke schonmal für die Antworten

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1 month ago


a year abroad is a good idea. Apparently you want to make a school stay, make a student exchange.

Student exchange after school?

  • Your information is correct: there are offers for a stay at a high school even after graduation. To this end, it is necessary to know that the state school system is basically designed to only include students who have not yet completed their schooling.
  • Therefore, there are offers for a high school stay only at private high schools, in English-speaking countries, especially in the USA. Details here

Proposal for a procedure

  • In principle, you should consider what it is important to you: the high school stay or to get to know a country, the USA or Great Britain.
  • If you are interested in the countries, you can go there as part of so-called Gap Year programs. Depending on the country, you can make a work and travel year. Find out moren this blog post.
  • However, you need to know that you need to be at least 18 years old for the Gap-Year programs.

The year abroad is a larger project. In any case, the procedure shall apply: You should prepare it systematically. There are

An overview of the tasks of the exchange organisations and how to find the best provider this blog post

Best regards

1 month ago

Hey, you can do a year abroad after your school. I was twice with the organization EF (Education First) in America. You can choose from a lot of different programs at EF. So for you, the language year with EF would be the best decision. You can choose your place. EF offers many courses, including some in the UK and the USA. You can theoretically split your year and then spend 3 months there and 3 months where different. If you want to learn more about it, you can order a free catalogue via this link

1 month ago

For the USA, you should be at least 15.5 years old on departure, a maximum of 18.5 years when you participate in the J-1 visa, this is so prescribed.

This is usually in 10 or 11. Class of the case and fits the German school system.

You may also not have finished your school career in Germany. (i.e. not finished with school). You’ve got that if you’ve already dropped your Abitur.

It looks different if you participate in a private school program under the F-1 visa. These are very expensive. It doesn’t do much academically.

Instead, you could already pursue a semester at a university or Colleg.

1 month ago

Look here.


Or you’re going as an au pair.