Nach Binde ein Tampon sauber einführen?

Hii Mädels,

und zwar trage ich nachts immer binden um länger durchschlafen zu können und tagsüber Tampons weil ich das Gefühl von binden im Alltag persönlich unangenehm finde wenn man spürt wie es rausläuft oder man schwitzt im Sommer ect.

Ich wollte fragen wie ihr das macht wenn ihr über Nacht binden tragt und frühs ein Tampon rein macht, geht ihr da nochmals duschen oder wie wascht ihr euch da unten rum? Jedes Mädchen kennt es ja wenn man eine Binde trägt ist man untenrum überall voller Blut und so..

Außerdem hab ich meistens das Problem nachdem ich mein Tampon über den tag Wechsel dass dann ein wenig Blut vom Faden in der Unterhose ist, das wenig Blut kommt beim einführen wahrscheinlich an den Fäden (der Tampon ist nicht vollgesogen)

Habt ihr Tipps? 🙂

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11 months ago

I always washed with a one-time wash cloth after each toilet cycle. This is then removed and is a clean and convenient solution.

Today, the laundry is less polluted, as the “wings” protect the middle part of the slip.

You can insert a thinner clip over a day with wings.

It’s not bad to wear the tampon for 8 hours overnight.

Good for you.

11 months ago

I’m wearing a tampon at night as long as there’s a lot of blood. Otherwise it’ll be a pretty mess.

And in fact you can wear slip inserts, then the draining drop of blood does nothing.

11 months ago
Reply to  niciii777

Can’t you? What can happen?

And as my own tampons and ties still run out, I bought incontinence diapers for the first night. Yeah, sounds stupid, but they’re wearing surprisingly good, and that’s all for the night! Then it can chew around as it wants, nothing’s going on! 😅

11 months ago

TSS is extremely rare (3-6 cases per 100’000 sexually active women) and even more rare in connection with the use of tampons. 90% of people have antibodies against the pathogen anyway.

Wearing overnight, even if it exceeds 8 hours, is not considered to be fundamentally problematic:

11 months ago

Wiping with toilet paper is usually enough. If you want to be particularly clean, just with a previously wet piece of toilet paper.

If you can handle tampons well, you might want to switch to cups. Make sure to find one that not only has a tip to return, but a small loop. I’m sure you’ll get them out.

11 months ago

You can also sleep with Tampon.

But yes, you don’t have to wash completely in the shower but of course it would be good. For blood in the underpants simply use a slip insert that you can change.