Nach Beschneidung so gut wie keine Schmerzen?
Ich hatte vor zwei Tagen meine Beschneidung und gestern die erste Kontrolle und der Arzt sagte es würde sehr gut aussehen. Es schmerzt mir auch garnix ab und zu ein leichtes zwicken und die Eichel ist bei Reibung etwas empfindlich aber normales anfassen geht eigentlich ohne Probleme ; spüre dann auch recht wenig. Werden denn die Schmerzen mit den Tagen noch mehr oder bleibt es dann jetzt so? Und merkt man wenn sich die Fäden lösen ? Sie sind selbstauflösend
I just had a little pain for the first 48 hours. The seam hurt and blew easily and it felt like the clamp was still on. What she was, of course, no longer.
After that, nothing hurt. Only if I had a whistle at night, it blew, but it was to stop.
The acorn felt quite violently the first week because it was constantly overwhelmed. This was quickly better and felt almost good. After a few months, it was normal and I didn’t realize I was cut.
Of course, nothing will hurt more than now, but it will be better every day. You’ll see that the threads will dissolve at the seam. However, even with self-resolving threads, there is sometimes something left. If that’s the case and you don’t want to do it yourself, you’ll go to the doctor again.
Be glad. That’s what happened to me. Some, sometimes it accepts something if such a thread hangs somewhere short.
Yes, theoretically they should be self-resolving, but some are very contradictory and do not want to dissolve. You can help with the sharp little scissors.
And no: there will be no more pain;-) (sounds as if you were missing the pain)
Haha ne can give up any pain. With the scissors cut down there, I don’t even pretend.
Very easy. How else do you pull threads? Slice easily (pinzette) and cut through with the tip of nail scissors. Nix Others does not caregiver…
You see, everything harmless and uncomplicated 😉
Not at all. This has settled in the first days when the bandage or later was compress. And you noticed more than the acorn
Okay. How long was your acorn exposedly sensitive? I have the feeling that has been used to it much more now and it gets much better quickly
Be glad. I can confirm that I also had no great pain. It was more of a kind of easy pulling.
I didn’t have any pain at any time, and I didn’t notice it.
That with the alleged hell pain I believe all horror fairies
I also think ð
Especially those who are not circumcised
No more pain did not occur
Just have a little pain when I move / touch the wound