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1 year ago

It is possible that the blurred vision is caused by lacrimal fluid, which emerges from the eyes during the wineing and may be present the next morning. It can also be due to stress and lack of sleep, often associated with emotional stress. However, if the problem persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist to carry out a thorough investigation and to exclude possible causes. It is also important that you take care of your emotional health and if necessary seek support to deal with your feelings and find ways to deal with them. LG Lisa

1 year ago

Always water helps me

1 year ago

How about washing in the morning?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mimi200009

Then rinse your eyes, then the salt remains of the tears are washed away.

1 year ago

Take your phone off and start living. Then you stop crying.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mimi200009

You have no life when you waste your time with digital nonsense.

1 year ago

There are all causal relationships that are at the end due to them. As broken and unhappy as our society is, it has never existed. People react aggressively with every little thing. I am very emotional and feel these changes. We people are supposed to be properly dependent on digitalization to be better controlled.

The way you get a happy life is independent of the problem. No matter what others have done, you feel bad when you go among people who use just as little digital stuff you automatically get better aura and happiness.