Nach Absetzen der Pille monatelang keine Tage + Pickel?
Hallo zusammen
Ich habe vor über 10 Monaten die Pille abgesetzt (bin 26) und seitdem ist es echt der Horror. Die ersten 4 Monate war lustigerweise alles gut, Periode kam recht regelmässig, Haut und Haar war ok. Dann plötzlich entwickelte ich eine regelrechte Akne mit tiefen unterirdischen Pickeln, nichts hilft (habe BPO, Skinoren, Azalainsäure, Tretinoin und Clindamycin ausprobiert beim Hautarzt), Haarausfall und vor allem jetzt seit 6 Monaten keine Periode mehr (bin nicht schwanger).
Mich würden eure Erfahrungen interessieren. Wie lange hat das Hormonchaos gedauert und was habt ihr gemacht, um es schneller wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bekommen?
I didn’t have any problems after the pill was put down! – Promise your complaints with a doctor!
I dropped on 02.10., had the first time my period on 02.12.22 after 57 days cycle. Now on 13.01 I had a positive ovulation test on cycle day 42 and now wait again for my days.
With me, the skin became very bad even very suddenly after 3 months and hair is already finished on day 2, hair loss.
You got so fixed Tretinoin? Hui… okay. You will probably have taken the pill for a while and now your body is experiencing a huge hormonal change. Just as it takes about 3 months until the “positive” side effects of the pill (like beautiful skin) occur after the start, it also takes a little to show off the side effects of the settling. Hormonal acne is usually due to a hypersensitivity to DHT.
I’m not a doctor or healer, but what I would recommend to you would be
a) do not treat the skin with so many means. Tretinoin is high percentage retinol, you really don’t need other peeling acids etc. You’ll break your skin barrier. Keep the cream, it helps. Be patient.
(b) lower DHT. There are a lot of foods that help (simply Googlen) and/or even plant aids against the hormochaos (Mönchspfeffer+Beifuß/Rotklee/Traubensilberkerze). So 1 monk cup + one of the others) and/or hoch-dosed vitamin B5. If you get too dry skin/hair from the B5, you can take biotin. In the meantime, however, there should be at least 5 hours of taking time. Although biotin is great for skin and hair, it leads to high doses but to pimples and fat hair. B5 helps. (Gibt great experiences online, but rather in English)
c) Check your blood values and, if necessary, your hormone status.
It’s normal that you’re just going through this. Make yourself huged
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against the hair loss: let mint + rosemary cook with water and a stick apple cider vinegar in the pot, cool and let it pull. Put into a spray bottle and massage 1-2x a day into the scalp.
against the irregular cycle help the plant remedies, especially forefoot, and patience