Nach Absage: Ich hoffe Sie sind nicht beleidigt?

Hallo. Ich hatte vor kurzem ein Bewerbungsgespräch in einer Schule, wo der Direktor und der Vize-Direktor anwesend waren. Leider fiel mir sofort auf, dass der Direktor kein großes Interesse an mich hatte. Gründe dafür sind, dass der Direktor meine Bewerbungsunterlagen und Zeugnisse NICHT durchlesen wollte.

Außerdem wurden einige Fragen gestellt, die NICHTS mit der Stelle zu tun hatten und die eher persönlich waren. Während der Vize-Direktor ein Interesse dafür zeigte mich anstellen zu wollen (und uns auch schon “Kollegen” nannte), war der Direktor abweisend. Am Ende hieß es schließlich, es würde noch ein anderer Bewerber in Frage kommen. Darauf antwortete ich schlicht “Natürlich…”. Damit wollte ich klarstellen, dass ich mir bewusst war, dass es auch andere Bewerber gibt. Meiner Meinung nach, hätte er dies nicht erwähnen sollen, weil solche Dinge wohl verständlich sind. Eher interpretiere ich eine solche Aussage als eine Abweisung!!

Ein RESPEKTLOSES Verhalten war, dass der Direktor meine Unterlagen bzw. Zeugnisse NICHT lesen wollte; schon gar nicht meinen Lebenslauf. Der Vize-Direktor jedoch war der einzige, der wenigstens den Lebenslauf gelesen hatte…(Dieser hatte mir sogar VOR dem Vorstellungsgespräch Hoffnungen gemacht für die Stelle).

Heute rief mich der Vize-Direktor an mit einer Absage. Ich ahnte dies schon und es war für mich KEINE Überraschung aufgrund des SCHLECHTEN Verhaltens mir gegenüber!!

Er meinte, dass die Entscheidung der Direktor geschlossen habe und er mir lediglich die Mitteilung überweisen musste. Danach fiel sogar der Satz “Ich hoffe Sie sind nicht beleidigt?”

Ich frage mich wieso er das gefragt hat? Wieso sollte ich beleidigt sein? Absagen gehören zum Leben dazu. Vielleicht fand der Vize-Direktor das Verhalten und den Umgang mit mir seitens des Direktors auch UNFAIR? Was meint ihr dazu? Ist das nicht etwas merkwürdig?


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1 year ago

nothing strange

there was one place, several advertisers. one gets the job, the others get a message.

the best wins, that wasn’t you.

1 year ago
Reply to  elisaaa98

do you know all the other applicants and their skills?

So you can’t guess what others do better than you.

you can only take the decision and look forward.

1 year ago

so postings are sometimes also just show for the publikum , you have to do it because the stop is required. in truth, however, the favorit has long been established.

especially at such a thing, a lot of relationships or even some have simply fucked up the job….

hak it off, can’t change it anyway, head up and go on….

1 year ago

For one reason, there is always a risk of being sued.

1 year ago
Reply to  elisaaa98

If it’s not the truth, what would it do to lie?

Sometimes it’s not the reasons.

1 year ago


It immediately told me that the director had no great interest in me.

What makes you realize that he had “no great interest” in you as a candidate. This is perhaps just a subjective impression.

Because the director didn’t even want to see my application documents and certificates. In addition, some questions were asked which had nothing to do with the job and were more personal.

You don’t know if the director may not have read your e-mail documents exactly. And the Director judges the “intermediate human” – and the Vice-Director discusses the subject in the interview. In principle, you should trust people that they have a reason why they lead the conversation.

“Of course…” I wanted to make it clear that I was aware that the director did not want to hire me from the beginning.

And why did you want to clarify this?

not a reason for not being selected

Also from us (mir) you would never get a reason why I didn’t choose you. I just can’t.

I know that it would help many applicants if I could tell them why we didn’t take them. But that would only cause a complaint in the worst case. And I don’t want that.

There can always be many reasons. This starts with “errories in spelling in the application – up to behavior in the interview. But in far over 95% it is simply the “better qualification = better suited to the searched place” of another applicant. And if I have the opportunity, I will always choose the best applicant. Makes sense.

This time it didn’t work with you. This is frustrating – that I can understand well. Even if it’s hard: Don’t let the head hang – and start further attempts to get the place that will float you. Good luck!

It greets

S ́Fjolnir

1 year ago
Reply to  elisaaa98

In addition, my documents were NOT looked at, but only “my words” were given confidence

What I like to do in interviews. Certificates/notes are only part of a total package.

But as a whole, your answer gives a picture for me. That explains something to me personally. So thank you for your comment.

And it remains: a lot of success in your next conversation and especially in your career.

1 year ago

Hm, well. Your documents were first sighted and that makes an impression. Like what did you advertise? In your performance above, there are already some grammatical errors that deteriorate for a teacher… If that might be similar to your application…

1 year ago
Reply to  elisaaa98

You don’t have to be so pampy. But above in your text, there are simply spelling errors and grammatical errors in it, some of which are also repeating and therefore no flaws of volatility, as is otherwise typical of good question, and are already quite crisp, in the case that you actually wanted to become an instructor… Even if your written application has been corrected in this way, it is more likely to be mistakes and problems that – if they are already so clear here – will also arise in an interview. If I had to decide for a teacher, and he would present himself in this way, I would have already had my difficulties pronouncing this. Of course, you can react pampy and uncomprehensible again here. But you didn’t get the job and ask for it. You might want to take an info about how it can be better in the next conversation, not me.

Even “should” with “h” and “me” several times instead of “me” – there the nails crawl…

1 year ago

But it is easier for people to interpret with their finger on others and explain why they are guilty. And also share your opinion: It’s a whole picture that’s coming.

1 year ago

Just like I said and expected, pampy.
Then keep trying, maybe it will work sometime. But a more self-critical view would certainly improve your chances.

And it would be better if you don’t write comments here anymore.

If you ask questions in a public forum, you cannot forbid members whose answer does not suit you. Then you can’t ask. 🙄

I did NOT apply for the subject German!

That would also be a disaster. But I also do not expect such errors in a teaching body for another subject. And if you’re not a native speaker, I can’t smell it, I don’t know you how to write yourself. Are you a native speaker?

Besides, you don’t know me, neither do you know my CV or my testimonies. You can also NOT judge how I spoke at the interview!!

I never claimed. But testimonials and CV are far from everything. But it is possible to presume, on the basis of your question, your phrases and your current appearance, how the conversation was going – and that will make the result more and more clear to me. But you’re, unfortunately, consulting-resistant and make it hard for yourself.