Still high after 5 days?

I smoked cannabis on May 9th and was really stoned. It's now May 14th, and I still feel completely out of it, like I'm standing next to myself. I can't concentrate very well either, and sometimes I walk around not thinking about anything. My perception wasn't like this before. I'm really desperate and need help, please.

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10 months ago

In the case of illegal cannabis, anything that causes this can be in it.

10 months ago
Reply to  Petar821

And since you didn’t grow it yourself, you have no guarantee.

10 months ago
Reply to  Petar821

he thinks that could have been of some street-dealer pure the worse substances reimmixed

10 months ago

Come on, too, on the dose you smoked. And as has already been written, it can in principle be anything possible. Are you sure your friend had it from his father’s pharmacy? Sounds unlikely…

10 months ago
Reply to  Petar821

Don’t worry so much right now. It’s all quite okay as long as you’re not too afraid, for example, that you’re threatened or persecuted and as long as you don’t have hallucinations (especially hearing voices). Still, you should see it as a warning sign. You seem to be particularly sensitive for some reason, reappearing more than most other people. There are, in principle, people who are more susceptible to this genetically under regular cannabis use to get a psychosis with the above symptoms. And in some of them, this can also be the beginning of a schizophrenia, which is of course a serious mental illness. I don’t want to scare you in this regard, after all, it’s unlikely that it will happen in rare consumption. But at the moment I have no information about how often you consume, and that’s why I just wanted you to know what risk you’re taking in regular consumption. From my point of view, you should just look for other ways to have fun and relax.

10 months ago

Yeah, it’s normal you’re feeling worse for a while now. You should already question why you had to consume now, even though it didn’t do you well last time. If you are very afraid, you can also go to a psychiatric clinic nearby and talk to someone there at any time. Maybe you could get a need medication, which makes you a little quieter.