Nach 2 ganze Tafeln Milka Schokolade brechen?
2 Brötchen,2 puddings,Teller Reis, 2 ganze Tafeln schockolade, Erdnüsse,Gurke. Ist das viel kann man von das kotzen
Ich hab Angst vor erbrechen desswegen frag ich
Hallo. Ich bin wirklich besorgt. Ich nehme in letzter Zeit knapp 2 Kilo in der Woche ab. Ich befinde mich seit einem Monat in einer HET (Hormon Ersatz Behandlung) und Frage mich nun, ob das davon kommt oder ob das der Auslöser für etwas viel Schlimmeres ist… Ich habe nichts an meiner Ernährung oder Sport…
Hallo leute, Seit meiner Kindheit weiß ich noch wie ich jedesmal beim Einkaufen an der Kasse immer diesen Gelben Juicy Fruit und Big Red Zimt Kaugummi gekauft habe oder eine 7er Packung beim Supermarkt. Ich war bzw. Bin verrückt nach dem zeug😂 Monate sind vergangen das ich die nicht mehr gekauft habe aber irgendwie hatte…
In den Zutaten steht nur 100% Reis.
Zutaten: 330 Gramm Champignons 1 Karotte 110 Gramm Kartoffeln, festkochend, geschält ½ Zwiebel 1 Stiel Petersilie, frisch 45 Gramm Vollkornbrot 520 Gramm Gemüsebrühe 95 Gramm Hafer cuisine 2 Teelöffel Olivenöl, nativ salz, Pfeffer
Hallo, Was sollte ich essen um meine Verdauung zu verbessern und auch um weniger aufgebläht zu sein, denn ich bin irgendwie den ganzen Tag total aufgebläht?
Hello Missi222👋
I would strongly recommend a nutritional advice, honestly, that’s not healthy.
If you’re afraid of vomiting, you should also have so much food and not so much sweet food that you’re getting bad from reading, so let the two tables of chocolate go away for the beginning. Chocolate should be eaten as a treat, not in excess.
Varied feeding to the right extent, not too much but also not too little.
you are afraid of eating, but do everything, so that you have to puke, because DAS is absolutely no good eating what you are taking to you. much too sweet- your stomach /darm explodes, because the bacteria in this start to multiply by the whole sugar that you will fall through and get cossy — even days later!
So this is also a mess that you have stuffed into you.
It’s gonna make me feel bad reading….
And if your stomach hasn’t reported, then be glad
Just look that you’re taking something close to you…
Salads or vegetables…
Sweets in masses…
That would be my tip
LG Angel
I don’t think I’m good at it.
Yeah, that would be a good option…
The stomach should come to rest
Yes,-the body would rather get something nutritious and healthy
she has enough intus
Depends on how your body reacts to it.
You could hand you over but you don’t have to be.
You could get diarrhea but not be.
You could break in the worst case and get diarrhea at the same time.
I think it depends on how much you usually eat.
But I really have a feeling of fullness. Had had been eating disorder last year and barely eaten and now I eat normally and have really unormal fear of vomiting
what you’ve eaten is NIOCHT NORMAL, that’s pure because you couldn’t care less. be glad when it comes out again and in the future look better at what you eat un dist, especially regularly eat something sweet to NORM
If you eat it quickly, your blood sugar will shoot up like a rocket. Even over the day, this borders a disaster.
No chill
This was your fourth question about the consequences of excessive eating a one-sided diet (sweetness, other sugar- and carbohydrate-containing as well as fat food).
How did it go? Did you have to break?
And what could it be that you sometimes have such frescoes?
I wouldn’t break because of the 2 tables of Schoki, but rather because of the crowd and the combination!
about two chocolates? Nö
So much that you have to break it is not.
So I would be