MZ mit Beiwagen für MZ ETZ 125?
Hi, ich würde gerne wissen, ob man den Beiwagen einer MZ ETZ 250 an eine MZ ETZ 125 anbauen kann.
Hi, ich würde gerne wissen, ob man den Beiwagen einer MZ ETZ 250 an eine MZ ETZ 125 anbauen kann.
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I believe that MZ has never released the 125s for the passenger car. The frame is comparable, but if I look at my old MZ125 Sportstar, the upper tube is missing for mounting. Only the shaft for mounting to the lower fastening clamp is present.
I installed the Superelastik sidecar on my MZ500 from 1991. There were both back hanging points like the old 250s. Only the front terminal I had to build myself and let the work be blessed.
A suspension for the stabilizer between rear wheel and side car is also missing. Without this, the brace becomes a tilted rubber cow, which tends outward.
Side carriages not only have weight, they also have a considerable resistance when rolling because of the steering geometry. That eats performance. The 125’s just too weak. If you want to get there on a mountain with 3 people, you heat the clutch.
The 250s aren’t exactly a power-out with the 500s it was better. Wait for something and look for a 250 or a redax. I could give you the building plans for the front suspension. It consists of parts of the department store.
MZ Gespanne has made me much fun since the beginning of the 1980s. Today I only own the sports star. The 500s are now a solo machine in a Swiss military museum. It was a prototy as a military performance for the Swiss army.
Image: MZ500 P prototype for the Swiss army, still with NVA packs. The frame had behind the short swing of the 250s.
That’s not enough. I only saw this from Croatia.