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7 months ago

Myths are illegitimately many and at 50/50 chances that they will also apply, the hit rate is very high. Therefore, many still think that there are more than just myths.

The fact is that the sex is already defined at the moment when the spermium meets the egg cell and this can hardly be influenced.

Yes, there is the theory that sperm with the male genome survive longer after ejaculation than female and you should have sex before the ovulation if you want to testify to a boy. But since you can never say exactly when the ovulation is, and there are many other variables in this invoice, you can also forget the nonsense again.

7 months ago
Reply to  NERDE265


And what exactly should I start with the information now?

7 months ago

Has nothing to do with faith, but with facts and knowledge.

7 months ago

In fact, we do not have to discuss it because it is now a fact that the app cannot determine your ovulation.

If you want to believe in it, please.

7 months ago

No, sorry, the app doesn’t determine your ovulation because it can’t.

It takes the data you entered plus a few algorithms and calculates a possible time for the ovulation.

The whole thing, however, is prone to errors for many reasons.

For example, the ovulation can have been up to five days later when the app has come because sperm can survive in the woman for up to five days.

7 months ago

… then believe what you want to believe.

7 months ago

You didn’t determine him either.

You’ve hit +/- with probability calculations.

Yes, you can find out more precisely if you not only observe and document the cycle accurately, but also check the cervix mucus daily and accurately measure the basal temperature to 3 stations.

However, if you have an irregular cycle or cannot handle the above-mentioned accuracy, you still do not use anything.

7 months ago

Myths there is a lot, but you can’t really predict the sex with it.

When I walk through the popular times:

  • Sweet/salted: has voted in both pregnancy
  • abdominal form: was the same despite different sexes in both pregnancy, so did not vote
  • Chinese concept calendar: had once right and once wrong
  • Ramzi method: double untuned
  • Date of sexual intercourse: There are two theories that contradict each other. After the more popular Shettles theory, I would have had to get two guys, but K2 has no penis at all, although it was exactly born on the ovulation (which I know exactly because I measured basal temperature)
  • Maya Calendar: twice wrong
  • morning nausea ja->Mädchen, no -> Junge: this has voted with me, both times
  • “Beautiful skin and beautiful hair”->Junge: has only voted once with me. Even when I was pregnant with K2 I had great hair and pure skin
  • Intuition of the mother: has actually voted twice.
  • Supposedly, a girl makes bad mood and a boy more headache: I can’t confirm both
7 months ago
Reply to  NERDE265

Don’t say anything about your baby’s sex.

But at the latest when you are born you will find it;-)

7 months ago

It doesn’t. For example, I have a lot of friends who swear on the Chinese concept calendar or the Ramzi method.

Both failed me. And that’s what it’s all about.

Since the hit rate is 50%, you will always find people where the theory XY voted.

7 months ago

I just wrote that this was a coincidence.

7 months ago

Since this is a (approximately) 50% chance that these myths are true, it will, of course, give to everyone, whether it is still so far, women who can confirm their arrivals.