Mythen über Kindesgeschlecht in SS?
Habt ihr Mythen in der Schwangerschaft die das Geschlecht des Kindes bestätigt haben, zb. bei salzigem essen kriegt man einen Jungen, runder Bauch ein Mädchen etc
Habt ihr Mythen in der Schwangerschaft die das Geschlecht des Kindes bestätigt haben, zb. bei salzigem essen kriegt man einen Jungen, runder Bauch ein Mädchen etc
? Würde halt eher einen Kaiserschnitt wählen als eine natürliche Geburt. 🙈😅
Strange question, but what kind of love do most parents (unfortunately not all) feel for their child? Sure, a child is half of you and half of the person you love most, but I'm still quite young, don't have any children, and don't plan on changing that in the next 5-10 years, so I have…
Ich mein ich bin ja ein sehr großer Anime Fan und ich liebe die Klischees. Jedoch werden anime Mädchen oft sogar noch unter 18!! Sexualisiert, nicht nur äußerlich( Perfekter Körper, Knappe Klmaotten… meist ja dieser Rock…) sonder auch Charakterlich. Also wie die Mädchen sich benhemen oder handeln totall surreal, fast schon perfekt. So wie man…
Ich bin w.13 und habe einen Brustumfang von 68cm und einen unterbreiten ist Umfang 67 ist das normal,ich bin aber auch sehr leicht(35kg)ich bin echt unglücklich deshalb und weine auch manchmal ich würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen weil ich wirklich verzweifelt bin ausserdem bin ich 152cm gross Danke im voraus
Hi (: Wollte mal fragen ob ihr immer mit „full face“ Make up, gepflegten Haaren, schönem kombinierten Outfit…… außer Haus geht, auch wenn es beispielsweise nur schnell zum Supermarkt geht oder geht ihr auch mal nicht 100% gestylt außer Haus?
Myths are illegitimately many and at 50/50 chances that they will also apply, the hit rate is very high. Therefore, many still think that there are more than just myths.
The fact is that the sex is already defined at the moment when the spermium meets the egg cell and this can hardly be influenced.
Yes, there is the theory that sperm with the male genome survive longer after ejaculation than female and you should have sex before the ovulation if you want to testify to a boy. But since you can never say exactly when the ovulation is, and there are many other variables in this invoice, you can also forget the nonsense again.
Meanwhile, it was in the app “Flo” I had on my ovulation day GV and I got pregnant too.
And what exactly should I start with the information now?
Has nothing to do with faith, but with facts and knowledge.
If you do not want to believe in it, please
In fact, we do not have to discuss it because it is now a fact that the app cannot determine your ovulation.
If you want to believe in it, please.
We can discuss this for a long time.
No, sorry, the app doesn’t determine your ovulation because it can’t.
It takes the data you entered plus a few algorithms and calculates a possible time for the ovulation.
The whole thing, however, is prone to errors for many reasons.
For example, the ovulation can have been up to five days later when the app has come because sperm can survive in the woman for up to five days.
… then believe what you want to believe.
This makes the app “Flo” for yourself!
You didn’t determine him either.
You’ve hit +/- with probability calculations.
Yes, you can find out more precisely if you not only observe and document the cycle accurately, but also check the cervix mucus daily and accurately measure the basal temperature to 3 stations.
However, if you have an irregular cycle or cannot handle the above-mentioned accuracy, you still do not use anything.
You mean you can’t determine ovulation, maybe read your sentence.
Myths there is a lot, but you can’t really predict the sex with it.
When I walk through the popular times:
Delicious sweet–> girl and I have occasionally nausea because I am kissed otherwise actually less
Don’t say anything about your baby’s sex.
But at the latest when you are born you will find it;-)
It doesn’t. For example, I have a lot of friends who swear on the Chinese concept calendar or the Ramzi method.
Both failed me. And that’s what it’s all about.
Since the hit rate is 50%, you will always find people where the theory XY voted.
Yeah, well, it can be wrong with everyone by chance why you’re mad
I just wrote that this was a coincidence.
Have you written a whistle?
Since this is a (approximately) 50% chance that these myths are true, it will, of course, give to everyone, whether it is still so far, women who can confirm their arrivals.