My Bahncard 50 zwei mal hintereinander?
Hallo 🙂 Ich habe noch bis zum 30.5 die my bahncard 50. Ist es möglich diese nach der Kündigung erneut für den günstigeren Preis von 69€ zu erhalten? Bei der Probe Bahncard soll das ja funktionieren.
Hallo 🙂 Ich habe noch bis zum 30.5 die my bahncard 50. Ist es möglich diese nach der Kündigung erneut für den günstigeren Preis von 69€ zu erhalten? Bei der Probe Bahncard soll das ja funktionieren.
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69 Euros are not a cheaper price but the regular price for the “My Bahncard 50”, which each customer pays up to the age of 26 years.
255 Euro for the follow-up card will only be due if you have the 27. This is because then the subscription will be continued automatically with the normal Bahncard 50 (if you have not announced before).
Thank you, then I got that wrong!
This works as long as you meet the conditions for My BahnCard 50. But why do you want to cancel My BahnCard 50 if you want to use it for longer?
As this costs 255€ and I’m just doing my credit, so I don’t have the money for it. The 69€ can still be used 😀
Do you mean that with the conditions?
Yeah, I meant the age. And the My BahnCard 50 costs €69 as long as you are under 27 years. This also applies to the follow-up card. You don’t have to quit.
Many thanks, have misunderstood 🙂