Mutter zerreißt Kleider?
Ich hatte Streit mit meiner Mutter, weil ich sie darum bittete, meine neue Hose zu waschen, da ich sie für ein Event anziehen wollte. Sie sagte nein und ich fragte warum, usw. Dann ging ich sie so auf die Nerven, dass sie die Hose mit der Schere zerrissen hat. Ich fing an zu weinen und dann ging sie zu meinem Kleiderschrank und nahm alle meine Hosen, die ich hatte und zerschnitt sie. Jetzt habe ich keine Hosen mehr, was soll ich machen? Hilfe!
Your mother lost control of her behavior, which is totally sad. She’s grown up and no matter how bad your fight was, she’s overreacted. It’s almost sick to me personally. I have no advice for you either. Just a bad situation.
that was probably a teenage extreme rumnerv action that your mother has brought out so
You may apologise to your mother for the children’s tea kidney, then she will surely also realize that her action was not so great.
Take her to Peek and Cloppenburg tomorrow, maybe she’ll see she’ll have to pay you this. Also you have a right to property, and if you have bought these things with your money (including pocket money, or otherwise non-purpose money), they are your property.
Maybe you’ll ask your friends, you’ll talk to them. Maybe they can get you two pants first. Then you could talk to your grandparents, maybe get money for at least one new one. Or talk to her and because it’s not okay
Your mother isn’t quite bright on the pear either. You don’t do that!
You can contact your neighborhood’s youth office. They are responsible for helping minors.
This does not take care of a youth office – there are real problems to maintain …
But if the mother does this several times or becomes handy, it could be a case. I doubt that such a thing rarely happens with the family
that was not a splendor of the mother, there is nothing to beautify
But the whole thing also preceded something that FS doesn’t tell so exactly, namely Teenie-Zicken-Terror because of a pants that made the mother snap out so
I just think that the mother’s behaviour is worrying. It could happen far more behind closed doors.
where is there something of several times or handful… nowhere…
You must go out without pants.
Go to the shops where you got all your pants and let your mother replace everything
make the same with their things
Well, there was a stupid act on the next.
You could have washed the laundry yourself or offered your mother a compensation for their troubles.
Now you have to wear what’s left and go shopping with your mother.
And what do we learn from it? Wineing is absolutely unnecessary and rarely leads to the destination.
and it was certainly not just crying… but rather balled teen-rumnerv-terror
Show your mother, she has to replace you.
And because of what crime should the mother be displayed?
Object damage, because as long as the items were bought by the questioner with legal means, i.e. pocket money, birthday money, etc., or were given to the questioner, they are owned by the questioner.
Illegal was the action already, but if an ad was to help resolve the dispute, I doubt it.
It’s a good idea that something deescalates the dispute.
The pants are probably bought by the mother, so?
It is not true at all because the question does not indicate how the questioner has come to the matter.
In addition, it is not a proposal if a parents take away the self-purchased things as a educational measure.
Because you don’t know what’s going on, that the mother reacted like that.
And even if, as a parent, you are always on the longer lever. What doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything as a child, and everything has to be enjoyed.
But coming directly with ad shows that you don’t have any children.
Learning from this that’s not all about you and your mother is no longer annoying.
Yeah, real now.
Good Sunday.
Why don’t you wash them yourself?
she doesn’t want me to use the washing machine because I have “no idea”
You can’t wash your clothes with 15?
that should be your own thinking… maybe you should help your mother in the house…