Mutter will Ausbildung zu Maurerin verbieten, geht das?!?
Hi alle zusammen,
Ich bin 24, habe mein Studium (Lehramt) abgeschlossen aber wollte eigentlich immer lieber etwas handwerkliches machen.
Habe mich jetzt nach langem Hin und Her entschieden, dass ich gerne eine Ausbildung zur Maurerin machen möchte. Ich weiß, es sind kaum Frauen in diesem Bereich tätig, es würde mir aber trotzdem Spaß machen.
Nun ja, ich habe es meiner Mutter erzählt und sie wollte es mir zuerst verbieten (sie scheint nichts vom Bau Gewerbe und insgesamt Handwerk zu halten, zumindest nicht für mich) und meint danach (als sie merkte sie kann mir nix verbieten) dass ich ja machen kann was ich will, aber dann muss ich ausziehen und sogar die Stadt verlassen….ähhhm hallooo? Ich liebe meine Heimatstadt, ich will die nicht verlassen. Und ich wohne auch sehr gerne noch zuhause, ich will weder ausziehen, noch wäre das vom Geld her während der Ausbildung möglich (da verdient man ja nicht genug)…
Was meint ihr, was soll ich jetzt machen? Einfach aufgeben und einknicken? Oder die Vorwürfe meiner mum ignorieren und Maurerin werden??
Danke für eure Hilfe!!!!
Craftsmen are shortages. It’s a good decision to become a mason. You can even connect both and offer courses for children later!
Your ma needs a little time to get used to your decision. She’s probably shocked because her own ideas don’t come true.
Give her the time and move into a WG in the meantime. Good luck and pleasure in training!
mutti is probably shocked that child does not finally come into work and continues to be time-deaded for nix
We only know one side. But I know how unhappy it can do to work in the wrong job, especially teachers…
No. She can’t forbid you. But I’d guess. The interesting thing about the walls isn’t going to be so great. I think I’d better find a carpenter.
Your mother lives in a fantasy world.
First of all, your mother can’t forbid you with 24. Even if you want to become a car mechanic and drink 5 beers every night and pluck like a pig, she can’t forbid you. You’re all year round. And leave the city? Haha. This is also complete bullshit. Of course, NIEMAND can banish you from the city. She can throw you out of the apartment, but even that doesn’t make herself so easy. Depending on their financial situation, it is even subject to maintenance or the office will then take care of a new apartment. My tip: Let her talk, she’s frustrated because you don’t live according to her ideals. You have the right on your side and nothing to fear. So do what you want.
Why would she be?
It was subject to maintenance until the end of the first vocational training.
Your compulsory maintenance is of course terminated with a completed apprenticeship course.
in the case, unfortunately, not since it has already completed training and two trainings do not have to be financed by parents
With the withdrawal she can actually blackmail you. But for the assertion that you would have to leave the city belongs to your mother in psychiatric treatment.
Sorry, for the clear words. But I’m serious.
You should do that for protest. Don’t let yourself be thrown out, but look for yourself a little place you can pay. With this you take all your mother’s levers to exercise power over you.
Your parents are also subject to maintenance. This can therefore be financed with a training salary.
the parents are not subject to maintenance. child has a shot training and so the elders are out of the thing
Yep. I was wrong. Thanks for the hint.
She can’t forbid you. She could take away the financial support because you have a completed degree.
I honestly don’t understand your mother’s behavior at all. You have a degree, so why not just try the training if you care? Does she really think you’d get off socially? What else would not come to my mind now, why she behaves like that. It’s funny if parents want to forbid things because they want to see themselves in one and therefore want to play their own plans with one.
If she’s talking about economics and the habits, they can calm down. Whoever makes it decent can earn very good money as a mason.
Last but not least: You have a security in the form of your completed degree, I really don’t understand why you can’t even dare.
Edit. Of course, you can also work in your studied area and then make retraining a mason, there is more money.
they do not have to wait up to 25; they can already cut their finances, as children have a discontinuous training.
Correct, thank you.
she can want a lot – with 24 she can definitely not forbid you. (Even under 18, the mother must not do that theoretically)
She can force you to move out. She is no longer financially responsible for you, as you have already completed a training. You will then probably or badly choose your own apartment (or rather WG rooms). If you don’t get out with the apprentice’s salary and possibly state support, you’ll have to look for a side job.
But where you live, your mother cannot determine. If you want to live in the same place as her, that’s your choice. If she doesn’t fit her, she can move.
what you want in this case is unfortunately secondary… the right is on the side of your mother, even if the reasons for the rash personally are not meaningful…
not – so you have to look where you get more money. be it on Saturday + may take a second job on Sunday + ask yourself what financial support you can apply for.
Do you want to make your life a job you hate just because you’re giving?
1. Your mother can’t forbid you more
Two. Before you start training in masonry, you should do an internship that lasts longer than three weeks,
3. If you still burn for the masonry job after the internship, then check if you can deny your living with the Azubi content, because your mother is no longer subject to maintenance after the completed study.
You should do what you’re burning for! No matter what your family says
She can throw you out because you’re old enough to live alone, but she can’t banish you from the city, what does she think she’s who she is? You’d probably have to go to a WG to give you that, so I think it’s financially feasible. In addition, there are also some or other financial social assistance from the state you could use; I am unfortunately not sufficiently informed now.
But I think it’s very questionable how your mum behaves, it’s really not. For me, this would be an absolute reason for contact termination. I hope she’ll come to your senses. I’ve never heard of it
Your parents can’t forbid you the training. but they can throw you out and you’ll have to stand on their own feet. So you should also know how you didch with 24 finance alone or you want your mother to lie on the pocket for another 3 years.
After this study, you can do another training, but your parents have fulfilled their duty and don’t have to worry. You are now responsible for your maintenance, for which you have studied. What you do now is your responsibility.
It’s already bitter how little you learned for a study… Isn’t that good?
You could have just left your fingers off the keyboard.
Why should I and who are you? LetsPlays huuui
Why so mad?
You have to earn respect, you don’t just get it on credit. You’d never earn him, I’m sure.
You’re just disrespectful.
Take an internship on the building and then decide.
You’re 24, finished with your studies. So find a suitable place in your studied area and in front of all a separate apartment.
You’re all year round.
The questioner would certainly not have noticed if you hadn’t pointed it out.
If she had noticed this herself, she wouldn’t have to ask if her mother could forbid her education.
So what? The maintenance of the parents ends with the training and if the child is 28 then it’s just… Full year is not enough
only she has already finished training and therefore her parents are no longer dependent
child has completed a training. therefore the maintenance of the parents ends right now. child has to entertain himself.
“All year alone is still wrong!” – Only that is crucial to the question of whether her mother can ban her training.
Don’t tell me, but the person we react to here! It’s all year round! Right?
That’s right. All year alone is still wrong! What did he/she write? What are we responding to?