Mutter von Haustier überzeugen?

Heyy, ich hätte so gerne 2 Kaninchen und hätte auch schonmal welche… Im Moment habe ich einen Kater und meine Schwester einen Hund. Und ich weiß dass ist schon mehr als die meisten bekommen aber mein Kater sehe ich vielleicht 5 Minuten am Tag weil er einfach immer draußen ist und das Gegenteil von einem Kuschelkater. Ich habe meine Mutter noch nicht gefragt weil ich es richtig angehen möchte denn wenn sie einmal nein sagt bleibt es vermutlich auch dabei. Ich kann sie hat irgendwie auch verstehen ich hatte vor 7 Jahren schon Kaninchen und habe mich zugegeben ziemlich schlecht um sie gekümmert was ich wirklich sehr bereue und mir wirklich leid tut ich war damals halt 6 und hatte einfach noch nicht dass nötige verantwortungsbewusst sein. Aber ich bin mir wirklich sicher dass ich mich jetzt wirklich gut um die Tiere kümmern kann da ich es sowohl für meinen Kater als auch den Hund meiner Schwester tue. Ich könnte die Hasen sogar von meinem Taschengeld bezahlen. Habt ihr Tipps wie ich fragen könnte? Danke im Voraus LG.

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3 years ago

Hello 🤗🙋🏽

I don’t know how old you are now and whether you can make the money yourself. From 13 you can mow lawn with neighbors, make shopping for old people, etc. This, of course, only in your spare time.

Two rabbits need a minimum of 6m2.

You can never pay rabbits alone at age, but you can talk to your mother and tell her you pay a part. I am 14 have two rabbits myself and get two more in the spring. I pay half of the food and smaller veterinarian bills up to 300 euros. But voluntary. My parents would.

It’s best to show your mother you’re responsible. Get me out of your sister’s dog regularly, help your mother and take care of animals from friends.

Talk to your mother, tell her you’re never old enough for rabbits with six years, but you’re guaranteed to take care of them now.

You could suggest to your mother that you’d take care of animals from friends they’re on vacation.

Dear Greetings I hope I could help you

3 years ago
Reply to  Flucarfix7


Nice to help you 🤗

Success in convincing

3 years ago

I find that if a dog and a cat are not enough, then the rabbits will not bring anything, and in addition, rabbit holding is in a small cage in the children’s room, in my opinion, real animal cruelty and if I could, I would, in principle, prohibit child keeping in the children’s room

But if I had anything to say, there would be no reptiles, spiders, snakes, etc.

in private households this is just my personal opinion

3 years ago

Pull out, earn money, and then you can figure out what you want. You’ve got cats and dog, that should be enough, that can be expensive enough when it comes to it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Flucarfix7

You can’t buy animals with 13 but this is one thing of your mother and if she says no, it’s no. This constant talk doesn’t get you any further.

3 years ago

Oh, if I hear that again, “My mother’s friend is blaa” you know how often I’ve heard the spell? Too often… You’ve already disqualified with the two Nils, right now 🙄 in this sense, I’m out now, that’ll be too silly with you. Once again, get 18, pull out, find a job and then you can stuff the apartment with animals.

3 years ago

*grmml* Can’t edit, so back on the laptop.

Between “willing” and “war” is a heavenly difference.
It has not only been done with rabbits, they already need a reasonable walk and not some 0815 cages, then want and have to do the animals no matter whether dog, cat or rabbits also sometimes as a veterinarian (vaccinations, investigations possibly op) and that can be made quite expensive in a dog alone depending on the WAS.
Who cares about the animals when you’re on a class trip and stays over your sworms somewhere else? right, your mother has to get out with the dog, have to take care of the cats, and then still the rabbits, who don’t go out and hunt their food or want to be cleaned.

As I said, wrd 18, look for job and apartment, and then you can figure out what you want, with 2 animals you are currently being loaded enough, the two rabbits will not change.

3 years ago

Again, 2 animals are full, in the end your mother has the animals literally at the neck as your interests will run from you and your sister in other directions, with illness, class travel etc pp.

3 years ago

Pull out. Then you can get some

3 years ago
Reply to  KonstantinosK

Lol he wrote 7 years ago he had them and there he was 6. Then he’s 13 ^^ there’s not much going out

3 years ago

Sorry, didn’t pay attention to age

3 years ago
